The Israel ground problem

I am entirely in favor of adding Chilean vehicles to Israel as long as they have connection and are unique and fun, but as individual ones rather than a whole subtree.

Gaijin should make all focus on getting some of its line ups complete. Israel is a terrible mess and you really have to be a die hard to even start it.6.0 entry level with 3.3 CAS and 4.3 SPAA …WTF? Then with your first new vehicle unlocked your M51 takes a huge jump in BR it faces. Then it’s 7.7 in slow old tanks vs fast and modern at 8.7,drones and ATGMs. Shockingly bad. Not played it in a long time.


I made a sub tree that extends to rank 1 so that Israel can also contribute, since they also have to fill the lower ranks, I must also say that obviously you will not have links in Israel from rank 1 to 3 since they cover years in those that Israel was at war and still did not have military commercial relations with other countries, with Chile they began to have military relations since 1977. If you want vehicles that have a direct relationship with Israel there would be 10 but you also have others that are unique to Chile and that are very fun, that’s why I invite you to see my sub trees. Chiile also offers Israel what it needs most, which are good light vehicles, tank destroyers, and anti-aircraft weapons.

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I started playing with Israel recently and I already have all the rank 4 vehicles, I must say that it is a pain to play with Israel since as another person mentioned before at rank 4 you do not have a trained crew and other players from other nations they have and for example it takes a long time to repair something when they damage you, also there are only 2 light vehicles, of which I only rescue the AML-90, which I really like on large maps, but if I’m honest I see the Israel tree and it makes me lazy, a lot of Magach and Merkava that I don’t see too many differences between them and anti-aircraft guns which also don’t seem too good to me, and why talk about anti-tank, nothing remarkable. This is not Israel’s fault since they have the potential to add more unique and interesting things but unfortunately Gaijin decided to go the easy and cheaper route and recycle models. I also think that the game points out that nations like Sweden, Italy, China, Israel, etc., will have their sub trees of a secondary nation since they alone have few vehicles and it is a matter of watching the games to see that the people He prefers to play with Germany or Russia, which are more complete.

Completely agree! I got the M-51 and Merkava pack excited to play some unique vehicles, little did I know after spending all that money Gaijin basically abandoned the line, I’m now researching the mk4m but it’s getting really boring spawning the same mbt, I’ve suggested they add the Namer heavy ifv it has a 30mm cannon and spike agtm, would be a fun addition to the Merkava ranks.

It’s not just a concept. The ABC pact has been in force for 108 years.

There may have been some differences between these nations (few and on a political level more than anything) in the last 2 centuries, but they are sister nations and we share the same culture and relations are currently very healthy.

The European nations had much more notable differences and today many of them are NATO allies.

We have South Africa in the British TT and some Indian vehicles and at the moment these nations are not very friendly.

I agree with @Chilean_Thunder that the Israeli TT urgently needs light vehicles. I’ve been playing Israeli TT since it came out and the routine really ends up being very repetitive at the higher level (only merkavas and magachs).

I myself had proposed moving the Argentine light vehicles to the Israeli TT in the old forum, because they really fit very well there and also the Kurassier, the 2IP and the 2C were modernized with Israeli technology. The same with the Chilean vehicles, I think they fit very well in the Israeli TT, the Israeli terrain really needs LT, it does not have the ability to explore (V key) and nor the ability to launch drones.

Still, I would prefer to see Chile, Argentina and Brazil in a single TT.

Machbet should have received the ability to do intelligence (V key). Many other SPAAs at that level have it. Will you tell me that because of the 20mm cannon it cannot receive such a capacity? Marder Roland can now have anti-tank capability far superior to Machbet and still have his intelligence capability.


When I say concept I mean it in the context of a new addition in War Thunder rather than implying anything for real life, much like I’d call CZ + PL the Visegrad concept.
Pardon if this came across in a sort of offensive way.

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This line of light tanks for Israel is good, powerful, varied, fun and with links to Israel


Is that argentinian roundel i see beside TAMs?

If so, how would the fact that they are already present in german tt be handled?

There are duplicate vehicles in game already, so both parties could receive it.
Alternatively I imagine the German TAMs being hidden from those who don’t have it and ported over to their new host nation. Of course, the owners of it in German tree keeping their stuff.

Not opposed to such solution.

Unlike this one. I already have them all beside 2IP, but
A) both TAM and JaPz.k.2 fill important role for 8.7 germany that being light tank and tank destroyer/firepower option (even if its not classified as such) and their removal would hurt the 8.7 lineup, moreso after Leo A1 got moved to 9.0 for some reason. Additionaly, for those same reasons, france should get its copy of DF105.
B) while link between JaPz.K.2 and germany is shoddy at best (unless we go with all the common argentina-germany jokes), TAM is built on Marder chassis and designed by german company so that link is there.

I understand these notions, but to my knowledge Germany does have viable alternatives for the same or similar BRs. Then again, it is a big question how long it’d take for Gaijin to implement said replacements.
I’d see TH-301 being kept in the German tree, but I also believe it’d sit at a higher BR than base TAM.

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Well it is even possible that by time chile/argentina subtree is added to israel, 8.7 as br will stop existing entirely, so why not.


TIL such thing exists

It’s all a big question and we can’t predict the future, but this is just what I’d personally do.

A few years ago I offered a quick solution to Israel’s problem. Some forum members suggested that Israel shouldn’t have light vehicles because they don’t have them in real life, completely forgetting that this is a game.

Although I would have loved the idea a couple of years ago, I now believe that Chile and Argentina (together) would be better served if they were both part of a Latin American TT.

A sub tree in Israel would only offer one line (they already have four lines of their own) and in a technology tree that has no lower ranks. At five ranks and with an average of two vehicles per rank, there is only the possibility of about ten vehicles.

I would only support a Chilean/Argentinian sub tree in Israel if I really knew that a Latin American TT would never come to the game, so I still prefer to hold out hope.

On the other hand, Israel badly needs a sub tree and there are few countries that really adapt as well as Chile and/or Argentina.

Taking some Argentine vehicles, an example of a sub tree for the Israeli TT could be:



Rank IV
DL-43 Nahuel
M5&M9 (105mm x6)
Sherman Repotenciado

Rank V
AMX-13 105mm

Rank VI
SK-105A2 Kurassier

Rank VII


TAM 2CIP (2C + Improve Protection)


Rank IV

IA-24 Calquin
IA-30 Ñancú
IA-58A Pucará

Rank V

IA-58C Pucara Charlie

IA-27 Pulqui I

IA-33 Pulqui II

IA-63 Pampa

Rank VI


IA-63 Pampa III (block II)
Super Etendard


Rank VII

Mirage IIIEA

IAI Dagger

IAI Finger

F-16AM (soon)

The suggestion of the Latin American tree has been pending approval by a moderator for a long time, I contributed to making it, I think you will like it a lot. But who knows how long we will have to wait until they review it again since there was only an issue to fix about a survey and nothing else because it had already been reviewed. :(

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do you have a link?

Some forum users are fools also

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A general Latin tree being a subtree in Israel is logical considering the defense-industrial ties. I don’t think we should be limited to Argentina and Chile.

Alone a Latin tree is not viable because there is no single coherent core development path for indigenous AFVs.