The IS-6 Is Horrible

Recently got the IS-6 since I wanted a Soviet heavy tank and this clearly isn’t it, the mobility is decent but the armour for 7.7 is practically paper and the internals of the vehicle is a C4 grenade awaiting to be exploded.

I usually attempt to aim for a KDR of around 3 but its practically impossible in this thing, I don’t like to use teammates as an excuse but this also hinders the ability of this vehicle due to the 20s reload.

What are your thoughts on this vehicle and could this be a skill issue on my end? I honestly believe this thing should either be 7.3 or be given a better reload rate or something.


For comparison this is my most enjoyable 7.0ish vehicle (I know the PLZ83-130 isn’t good but its fun as hell).

This is some insane level of copium I haven’t seen since the “Abrams bad” crowd



Would you like to elaborate? Compared to my T-10A which sits at the same BR its functionally inferior in every single aspect, the IS-6 once sat at a decent BR of 7.3 (before everything got moved up) and even there it was struggling a small amount.

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The difference in your (ground vehicle) K/D is 9.9895% between the IS-6 and the PLZ83-130, therefore if the PLZ83-130 is fine at its BR then the IS-6 is fine at its BR.

Hard to say as i dont know how you play it.
Personally, i find that you have to play as a medium tank in most cases. If you are fighting something with APHE or AP, you can play as a heavy.
I also have problems sometimes where i tunnel vision and over extend. I have to make sure i keep an eye on the map in case i push too far or the front line collapses.


between the IS-6 and the PLZ83-130

Oh its openly known that the PLZ83-130 is a horrible vehicle and I’ve claimed so as well, an example of someone else struggling in it would be JustinPlays, he planned to make a video on the vehicle but completely cancelled it due to it being horrible (the BR range and what you face and compete with).

I used it as a comparison as the PLZ83-130 has it much worse yet it does better as it doesn’t have to face vehicles like the TAM. Both should be either balanced with a faster reload or a lower BR (preferably a faster reload).

lol - such a come down since it was introduced and was OP-as-hell!!


Just because something was overpowered when it was introduced shouldn’t mean it should be neglected. If something is overpowered then something should be adjusted and vice versa. This also applies to vehicles such as the Puma IFV and Challenger 2.

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My sincere condolences with the is6.
Same with is3, 4.

Go play super Pershing inatead


It wasn’t two games and I’ve continued to play it and my opinion remains the same, how on earth is the IS-6 considered equal to the T-10A? I don’t need to play 10000 battles as I’ve gotten the grasp of 7.7 vehicles and how they should feel and play.

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Then leave it and play something else like we all do.

Why did you bothered to buy IS-6 this late? You already have the T-10A which is really fun heavy tank. Just add in IS-4 if you really want a heavy tank. The IS-6 is now repenting for it’s sins for ruining the fun for many.

Just for fun, I didn’t buy it with the intention of grinding USSR as I already have 11.7 lol. I’ve gotten to the point were I’ve grinded most tech trees I deem interesting and got not much to do anymore.

IS6 is shrugging hits from everything like it’s nothing.

WHY was this flagged? I literally stated the fact. IS6 is withstanding hits with no problem. Are mods insane?

This tank was released in 2015 I think and was OP at that time since it only faced tigers2 and was totaly pay2win for squad battles.

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Old heavy tank at that BR ? No thanks

Yeah it was broken back then but generally most heavies besides maybe the T-10A now are bad to play.

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it was introduce with 200% turret armor ,which took months and data mine to fix, with NO compensation for anyone that died to an un-killable monster. it has a faster reload then the normal 122, and received the D round, which it didn’t have at introduction.

The IS-6, like the T-44, is a balancing nightmare of Gaijins design. It is the most immune tank to solid AP rounds in the game. HEAT and APDS are the only way to penetrate its ridiculous armor.

Of course, irl the historical counter was the M103 whose gun was so ridiculous that it can deal with a IS-6 frontally from 2km. The Brits have the Conquerer and the French have their autoloading variant.

But thanks to the calculator and other factors neither of the big guns have any way to deal with a IS-6 front plate besides hoping volumetric doesnt eat their shot at the mantlet. So the only way to have the IS-6 ‘balanced’ and not curb stomping the competition is to put it on a BR with a plethora of HEAT slingers to deal with it.