The Hawker Hunter game model is wrong

Not checked this latest dev server, so if its got them sorry, got another 10gb to download before I can check, so this based upon the last round

If new aircraft get available fuel tanks, is there any perticular reason why the Tornado Gr4 doesnt have the 495 gal tanks that can be found on the Tornado F3 Late?

Your reasoning may explain why its not come to identical aircraft such as the F3/ADV or why its not come to the other 6 IDS yet. But its wierd its not coming to a new aircraft such as the GR4

If it needs reporting: Report

Priority is given to get each aircraft at least one available type of fuel tank. Many aircraft in the game can have multiple and it’s possible that more will be introduced across the board. But the current priority for the Devs is to give as many aircraft as possible at least one tank type.

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I do hope they prioritise a few getting a second before others get 1. As much as Id like fuel tanks for the Hunters and Harriers for example. The Phantoms should get wing tanks first. Having to choose between fuel or a gunpod is a major impact and ultimately, you have to operate without feul tanks more often than not. Especially notable in sim

Im planning to work on a suggestion for the Hunter F6A solely for that drag chute. Landing the Hunters is a pain without it.

I have heard that all aircraft have weaker breaks than they should due to people flipping props with a rear wheel, but no idea if that is true or applies to all aircraft


Also, in your manuals I found this:

which manual? I sent in F4 F6 and t.68 manuals

Hihi I only quickly browsed through one (thanks by the way!).

My dad has the ones for the Mk.58, but sadly he’s too far away fro a quick glimpse…

ive got about 70 Hard copy binders for the 58 I can go do some digging

Well, so far I have seen no notion of the whole tail moving for elevator control, all just points at variable incidence of the tailplane for trim and separate elevators.

I totally forgot about this bug report as well for the Hunter F6

In already uploaded images.