The German La-5FN Temporarily Returns to Mark the La-5’s First Flight!

Again difference of our version of Captured vehicles, its fine to see it that way but i personally dont.

Even if you think both are captured vehicles, the ones with no or minor modifications (e. g. german KV2, T-34 and Churchill, US Bf109 and fw-190, USSR Fw 190, panther and panzer 3, the swedish tiger 2p) are simply bad and simply ruin trees while for example something like the marders are totally different and are unique to a nation. Like the 50mm pak car wouldnt even exist without germany.

And just mentioning I am talking about captured vehicles in limited numbers. Not service vehicles with multiple serving for that country. I exclude vehicles like the french panther which were multiple in service after ww2

Oh we’ve talked on this matter amd i agree its why i wish gaijin would add unique models when possible.
the Kungstiger was a bad addition but given the KV-1B qas the only other heavy tank that could’ve been added with finland being denied i very much believe the Kungstiger was added in place of the KV-1B, but this is going off topic more lol.

well it used to cost around 1700 GE, but back in 2013 Gaijin in one patch gave La-5FN absolutely insanely broken UFO flight model (both, russian TT version & german premium) and instead of rushing to fix it they tripled the price of premium version. This made it at the time THE most expensive premium vehicle in game by a lot and 12 years later it is still massively overpriced compared to vehicles with similar BR/rank … basically you’re paying 3k+ GE surcharge for a bug that was fixed 12 years ago


there kind of is in the BF110 G series, they were strike interceptors after all. not what you mean but there is still something which is very capable at the BR

Would love to see that. We need more modifications of BF109s in WT, bit like how there was a lot more clipped wing spits with the different wing armament layouts which are missing. massively important vehicles.

a P51 would be a decent but very lazy addition

They do the German Mig-21SPSK for the Mig-21s first flight too. And they gave a discount on The Japanese F-4EJ ATDW for Australia day which is odd for several reasons.
Gaijin has some weird ideas.

Translation: 35 USD

Huh, neat; I’ll admit I completely forgot the anniversary was yesterday. That said, the thing that always surprises me about the La-5 is the Soviets ended up building ~9000 of them, which is pretty impressive. Despite the ~9000+ built, there’s only a single remaining example of the La-5 left in existence.

Well, In War Thunder history at Gaijin’s History Book. it seems the RAFwaffe didn’t exist at all.

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Celebrates a/c first flight by putting it on sale for the enemy … LA-5FN got Gaijined!

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gaijin knows all those planes would go up un BR considerably so wont dare

If I have 5K GEs I would wait until the sale to buy a higher ranking vehicle which would be at least useful for grinding…

If i have to pay for this i’ll keep playing with the Soviet one instead. Same plane.

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