Greetings! Today I suggest the American Willy Jeep equipped with a double-stack T-27 Rocket-Launcher System, a modification done to bolster the mobile-rocket artillery forces of the allies, similar to the already in-game BM-13N or 15 cm Pz.W.42.
Basic Information
Designation: G-503 (T27)
Role: Self-Propelled Rocket Artillery
Crew: 2
Manufacturer: Willys-Overland
Total built: “Uh… Enough?”
Time Built: 1945
Dimensions (Some Specs of Standard Willy MB):
Length: 132 in (3.35 m)
Width: 62 in (1.57 m)
Height: 69 3⁄4 in (1.77 m)
Driving Performance (Some Specs of Standard Willy MB):
Engine: Willys L134 V4 gasoline engine, 60 hp (45 kW)
Max Speed: 65 mph (105 km/h)
Max Range: 300 mi (480 km)
Total Weight: 2,505 lb. (1,137 kg)
- 1x 114 mm T27 2-Stack, 14-Barrel Rocket Launchers (14 rockets)
Usage in Battles
The G-503 (T27) would essentially be a American Katyusha, heavily relying on allied protection to be effective, however if used properly can become a very dangerous adversary. Due to a lack of turret traverse, it is important to have a understanding and to take advantage of your terrain, and to consider the ballistics of your rockets.
Powerful 114mm rockets can destroy most light and damage medium vehicles
Capable of effective indirect fire
Great Volume & Rate of Fire
High-Velocity Rockets
Poor Survivability
Poor Off-Road Capabilities
Low Ammunition
Short Dead-Zone Infront of vehicle
With the development and deployment of the T-27 rocket launcher system, naturally came a want by the US army to attempt to make a self-propelled variant. Products of this want led to the creation of the Caliope, and various mountings of the T-27 on vehicles, one of which, being the T-27 mounted on a Willy Jeep. Created in 1945, the “Rocket Willy” was deployed as a rapid-fire support system to further bolster the Allies’ rocket artillery capabilities, combining the Willy’s maneuverability and reliability with the powerful armament of the T-27. It would be deployed through WW2 and for some time after, which it was then replaced by more specialized and capable vehicles.
- Yes
- No
- Tech Tree
- Premium
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- I Said No
- 1.3
- 1.7
- 2.0
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- 2.7
- 3.0
- Other (Please Explain)
- Again… No