The f4-C has no protection against missiles of any kinda and faces 30g all aspect missiles on a plane that is LOWER in battle rating than the flareless 10g max overload missile bus. It needs to be lowered to 10.0 or 9.7 to fit the matchmaker better
tbh the F-105 needs it way more than the F-4C, at least it can fight back more effectively
Yeah… no… F-104 and Mig-21s are bad enough to deal with in things like the Hunter F6, Sub-sonics with no CMs and pretty poor missiles. Let alone the much faster and far more heavily equipped F-4C. Already sucks facing them in an uptier as it is.
F-4C though is the same BR as the A-10 early and a lower battle rating than most sub-sonic all-aspect slingers. You need to employ your main strength in that you are 2-3 times faster than nearly anything with all-aspect IR missiles.
Uptiers may suck for the F-4C, but they also suck for everything else that has to try and fight an F-4C
at least the F-105D should be moved down to 10.0 though, flareless, max 4 9E but 10.3 for some reason
i have the f-4f early at 10.3 and can tell you its not fun but it also cant go below that because it would be nearly untouchable missile bus with the speed it has
not my playstyle but it can fit some
I always feel a little bit of guilt farming them in the J-7D
Do you know of any plane that can actually fight back against J7Ds? The only planes I’ve played that aren’t completely helpless are F8U-2 and F-5E.
Not the F-8E? Just the U-2?
I don’t like the F-8E. The Aim-9Cs are great at not locking targets, so I don’t see why I shouldn’t just use the U-2 which is a lower BR with the same flight performance and Aim-9Ds.
The E has more thrust and doesn’t rip though no?
If anything suffers from J-7 it’s the F-105 by far
Idk, the U-2 already has an insane amount of thrust.
AV-8C and A-10A also feel like sitting ducks for it.
I don’t own F-105 though. I went years without researching the U.S bomber line. It was only about a week ago where I decided to research it, and I’m currently researching the first Canberra.
Even in a harrier you have 2 solid missiles and flares + only see it in full uptier. The A-10 has 4 great missiles, great gun, tons of flares. The F-105D has no flares, 4 mediocre missiles, and the sole advantage is it’s fast at low altitude (but I’m pretty sure 111 is faster anyways). The 105D really should go to 10.0 so it doesn’t have to compete with tornadoes for bases, and doesn’t see J-7D as oftern
Most things if they 3rd party and catch it with no energy, if not 3rd partying than MiG-21Bis’ and F-5Cs fare decently and it usually comes down to pilot skill/positioning. The MiG-23s energy sometimes works against it and leads to an overshoot but it’s decent. One of the biggest advantages the J-7D has is those nigh unflareable 0.6km HOBS PL-7 shots.
It really just wholesale beings at 11.0.
Ye it definetly seems like Harrier and A-10A would get it easier, however J-7D’s fictional flares kinda nulify the point of Aim-9Gs and Ls.
you are kind of throwing bricks from glass house with this, i mean look at F-5C
unless there is some way 105 can get flares it should go to 10.0
F-111A should get AIM-9E too tbh
they work perfectly for me and allow me to get kills against targets that cant be engaged by 9D.
have you even flied the f8u2?
I’m not saying the F-5C’s flares make sense either. Although, they share a BR and J-7D flies better, has stronger guns, and stronger missiles.
No. Simply use your speed to stay out of range of the all-aspects, which are hundreds of kilometers per hour slower. If you want to be more aggressive, pack a few FFARs, they are rather consistent at beating front aspect launches, even rear-aspect with a bit of fancy flying. Plus then you can ground-pound in the latter part of the battle when there are few enemies left
stock its horrible its mid spaded