no i just genuinely feel like something with a third of the engine power of the rest of 10.3’s, being transonic til 3km of altitude and having two of the worst missiles in game at a BR where everyone has four or more 18g+ missiles and a good engine is not good. You need people to actively want to die to you. If you think the f-5c is “cantsir” while consistenly ignoring that the mig21s and f8’s of even lower BR’s can easily terminate you while fitting air RB much more, then you seriously are still dying to zeroes on their own ranks while using any other fighter prop.
I have played both the F-5A and F-5E, both are amazing airframes out of the box, 10.3 was an insult of a BR when you have such incredible energy retention and guns, doing well is a matter of bringing 3/4 of a tank and committing to every headon you see, winning because of the velocity of the 20mms then being able to dogfight literally everything in the BR range and sometimes higher. I really don’t see where your complaints come from when the benefits of having a tiny airframe, cold engines, inaccurate flares, incredible guns and a bank of energy that is tapped into anywhere above 300 km/h
F-5C does not have 120 flares
it was never 120, you are hallucinating
Yeah, always been either 60 (F-5A/C model) and 45 (F-5E AIDC and FCU)
Nah, you did. F-5 fit the meta extremely well at 10.3 and was possibly the best 10.3.
I actually have no idea where i got it from, im ognna be honest with you. I think i just assumed it was double as it had 2. Its still cracked, or was. Now that its at 11.0 well have to see, but now it cant stomp down tiers, but i am far from saying it should be facing f16s, just like the j35xs which is now able to see such shit.
You mean “No Longer OP”
So by your logic the A6M5 Zero is the best 5.0 aircraft
mhm. Same gameplay, different opinions. Why?
And no, I never died to an f-5c or an f-5e in any 10.3+ aircraft unless I was not paying attention. In fact, my only complaint was it’s busted damage model on release, not that it was “busted”, it has energy retention and that’s literally it. The MiG19PT is slightly superior and the mig19s just gives it no chance. The F-4E turns inside it at high and at extremely slow speeds.
it stopped being OP when it started to face Mirage 2000s. Now that M39/T160s are reverted to release (low drag and high damage) the f-5’s are balanced. But you cannot say something is “OP” when literally has 0.3 twr at most speeds below mach 0.98, has two 10g missiles and can’t surpass mach 1 below 4km of altitude against a bunch of stuff that carry four or more 18 or more G missiles, is either 300kmh faster or has much better thrust weight ratio, or anything, because except the f-8e, everything else is a combination of being faster and better armed and 100 percent having better TWR.
The Zero is 100kmh slower than everyone else, has little engine power and turns well while having decent MER. But yet people don’t think it’s OP. Why would you think something you can simply energy trap is “op”? Not everything in jet combat is “rate fight”.
Not same gameplay.
f5c being the same br as f5e now is just bs
cry more, no more free su25s kills i guess
it still encounters su25?
“free” su25 kills? You mean you are inefficient in su25? I’ve consistently gunned down f-5s on su25 while dogfighting, be it C and E. Just don’t be a dingus having full loadout. The two r60m’s and the main gun are enough and necessary to survive.