Have you ever tried base bombing in the F-5C? By the time you somehow linger close to a base, which takes like 10 minutes, you will be lucky to find one base remaining.
Big NO
F-5E is faster than F-5C. It can bomb bases the same way F-5C does. It also has access to mavericks.
But none of them are meant to bomb bases and BR has nothing to do bombing bases or not.
There is a separate BR for mixed battles, so I don’t think ground ordinance should have effect on Air RB BR.
Mig23 is also pretty much a brick at this point, I can’t see a reason you’d be killed by it, unless you are in the zone of R24Rs. In a dogfight you are never expected to lose to a mig23 in F5C, so idk what is wrong about that.
No. It’s not.
Average K/D of F-5C is less than 0.5
Only income. Gaijin use K/D, winrate only after community cry.
You have to grind, win or lose doesn’t matter.
Do you remember when a Russian blogger collected up-to-date statistics and the USA had 27% of wins?
Only after resonance did the snail reduce Abrams’ reload time to 5 seconds
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I don’t remember, could you link please? I didn’t know this
Basically Abrams got 5s reload unreasonably, where as leclerc and challenger still exist there.
Leclerc as of right now is worse that Abrams in every perspective
Challengers have special design for it’s ammo rack (A ready rack that’s right by the side of the loader) so that the first 3 shots can be loaded faster than the common layout of western MBT, yet now it’s the same reload rate of Abrams.
Leopards literally have the same ammo layout of M1, yet it got 6s reload,
Ariete is a piece of garbage and is crying for help, yet, 6s reload.
But Abrams which was an Okey MBT, got the 5s reload, because US players are generally so bad and the stats are horrible. This applies not just for the GRB, but ARB as well. Just like the Abrams, a ton of US planes are undertiered because the stats are not beautiful, but that does not means they are suppose to stay where they are, the vehicle itself such as the F5C back in 10.3 is still OP and need to be raised, no matter how players perform.
Edit: The take away is, don’t take an OP vehicle for granted.
With tanks, I remember Gaijin stating openly that reloading rates for tanks with a human loader are changed for balance primarily rather than realism. And as for average F-5C player, we all know very well the stereotype of level 16 Timmy getting the F-5C for Christmas and just flying it as a bomb drone…
No surprise if the same thing was happening for both cases
Yeah the pain truly comes when someone that actually knows what they are doing flies an F5C. In little Timmy’s hand it’s yet still okey, but when someone who’s actually good wanna exploit those undertiered jets like the F5C, F5E or F8s, they could just annihilate the entire match.
Edit: I am a French main and it’s god darn painful to see any F5 in my mirage 3, can’t win and can’t run.
I mentioned it in one of my blocks of text that the F-5E was ridiculously easy to grind for me - from stock to (nearly) spaded I have a 3-1 K/D (65-21) with it, 59% WR. This basically doesn’t happen on most other jets I’ve ever flown, usually the stock grind is kind of painful and you have a 1:1 or 2:1 at best K/D before unlocking the proper upgrades
He can’t use it as a bomber anymore. It’s too slow.
Hordes of “stock-grinding” F-4S, kanards, F-111, F-104G, S, mirage F1……are way faster
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Even an A-5C can pull much more AoA than the F-5C. I don’t know what you’re talking about. The F-5C can’t out turn sh*t.
First up, A5C is pretty much Mig19 plus. Indeed it’s vert maneuverable but noted that it’s not agile at all. The roll rate is a disaster which made it very hard to follow up with the pace of rapid course change. It also suffers severe aileron lockage on high speed (can’t even pull 6g when at around mach 0.95+), which means in order to dogfight it has to slow down first.
The F5C might not be winning a rate fight against A5s, but it’s pretty much better in every single perspective. I really don’t wanna bring this out but it’s pretty much skill issue if you would lose to A5 every time. Or maybe, they just win you occasionally because there’s a good pilot in the cockpit, and you’d still win against it 90% of the time.
Planes all have perks and cons, you can’t compare the best of A5 while ignoring the rest of it. It’s like trying to dogfight an A6M5 with a Yak3 and lost, you can’t conclude Yak 3 is brick just because it wouldn’t out turn a zero.
Exactly my point. The F-5C gets good performance but horrible armament kit. So why does the MF and SMT go to 10.7 and the F-5C goes to 11.0?
Do you think MF and SMT were not OP against 9.3? As you stated yourself, most 9.3 don’t have flares. Tell me how it feels to dodge a 30G missile? Even the short range is an advantage because the enemy has so little time to react.
The lack of flares is a much more serious issue against an opponent that has better missiles rather than better flight performance.
I too have flown the F-5C/E for about 2 years. Admittedly, I have poor aim and a small screen. But what I find limiting the F-5C is its speed and the fact that you have to actively force a rate fight in order to win, and also be lucky enough not to be interrupted.
I would love to see some footage of you playing the F-5C, if you have published it somewhere.
I am not losing to the A-5C. It was just an example because you claimed the F-5C can “brainlessly out turn everyone”
Exactly. The F-5C has one huge advantage (energy retention), and several disadvantages (speed/power, weapons, instantiations turn rate, etc).
You can’t compare the best of F-5C while ignoring the rest of it.
You mean better than everyone else and accelerate lightning fast only worse than the F5E?
And who is better than F5C? Just who? Except J7E which is another OP one
So I took some time and double checked, the F5C is basically as fast as the F4 or J35XS, assuming same amount of fuel in After Burner.
And it’s instant turn rate with 20min fuel is 11-13G above 500 kts on 5000ft, 8G on 330ft, 6G on 250ft, F5C can do this while sustain its speed really well, no one else I could think of that’s not an F5, J7E or J35, can match this record in this BR range.
Below 250kts we got to the sustained turn, the F5C won’t drop below 200kts in a flat circle and turn rate is better than that of the F4E (Which is the most maneuverable phantom and with no sparrow what so ever), and thus the mirage F1 and the Mig21.
In a loop F5C can sustain it with no altitude drop while keeping a decent amount of speed, at the lowest energy state the low point is ~270kts and the high point is ~110kts, this is substantially better than pretty much anyone in this BR.
It’s only weakness is probably scissoring, yet as I said your speed won’t drop below 200kts unless looping so you could easily break off if somebody with let’s say a kfir that tries to scissor you.
It even has a very good RWR for its tier.
So that’s the thing concluded, I can’t see why you still would say it deserve the same BR of Mig21MF.
I just flew the J35XS and the F-5C with min (30%) fuel in test flight at 500m level flight with full AB. The J35XS reaches Mach 1.16 (1380+ kmph) while the F-5C barely reaches Mach 1.01 (1212 kmph).
I don’t have the means to reliably verify the rest of your information. If you could provide some sources, that’d be great.
its not. for the longest time it was the meta UFO dominating matches.
Ahh yes the troll post…
If your being serious please don’t mind me LAUGHING my “butt” off because…
“It’s not the plane it’s the pilot.”
F14 is vastly superior to the F5C.