The F-18 P2W scam

Putting this aircraft at 12.3 is nothing more than a money grab, they will milk it out as long as they can then move it to 12.7/13.0 where it should be. Nothing surprises me from gaijin anymore, they are slowly killing themselves and their reputation (what’s left of it) for a short term gain.


I think we need some extra info about your claim.

F/A-18 on 12.3 is 18A which is accessible in regular TT


Currently the F/A-18 BR ratings are as follows:

F/A-18A (TechTree) 12.3

F/A-18C Early (Premium) 12.7

F/A-18 Late (TechTree) 14.0

If he’s not mixing it up it might just be about people GE’ing it, but its unlikely.

Please use the search function on the forum,
there are several post about F18 already.

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