The Exaltation of the USSR and the Exaltation of Europe and the USA

I was speaking win rate in regards to team skill, though I did word things poorly.
Tank power can’t be determined by win rate you are correct.

You’re more than welcome to come shoot my BVM’s turret using L27A1 in a custom match to learn first hand.

About 5 members now have time away from the Forum for their trouble…

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I was expecting that.

Im not going to argue about BVMs turret anymore im just tired of “BUT WHAT IF IT DIDNT HAVE ERA” nah Im done.

Armored warfare has spall liners. Source: Armored Warfare

Vikhrs are significantly faster than other helicopter AGMs, up to like four times when you account for Spikes effective speed given their indirect fire mode, plus they can carry 12 on 2 pylons leaving room for AAMs, rockets, bombs, gunpods, or whatever else you want to carry. Oh and one of three helicopters in the game to get a ground search radar which is a massive advantage. Oh and not needing a tail to fly. Not to even mention their effectiveness against other helicopters with Vikhr’s proxy fuse.

Are you trying to tell me that you genuinely think that Fighters dont take up SP that could be used for CAS and vis versa? Because that is not the case. Or are you trying to say that they both get a fighter that is capable of cas, if so why would you exclude America, Russia, China, Sweden, and Israel?

Yes, spikes still aim center mass. I dont know where you’re getting your info regarding these things but you should stop using them

It has the name spall liner, but it’s not actually a spall liner in simulation.
As you can see, all it does is increase the HP of a vehicle.

AAMs can only be used with the full AGM load on Ka-52, not 50.
Which is just like Apache and Rooivalk whom get better AAMs.
Vikhrs despite their range are still not a top 3 AGM for fighting ground vehicles.

Your 3rd paragraph makes no sense as you’re not addressing anything I said.
All 10 tech trees have fighters to deal with CAS rather effectively.

F&F missiles aim in a circle now BTW. They won’t hit the same spot over and over again.

No denying that so many feel their own country is being victimized in War Thunder.

I am British and my main interest is German Armour of WW2. I have served in the British Army and have no interest in going near anything I know, same as I struggle to watch any fictional tv show that is about a job I have done. They are just ruined by prior experience. I sit here picking holes in it and can’t enjoy it. So I dont need to come to the defense of the UK line up out of patriotism. If anything Gaijin’s version of UK tanks do them a big favour. They don’t breakdown every five minutes.

American players seem to be the whiniest and have the expectation that they should be by default the greatest and the winner every time. Maybe that is Hollywood and the media combined with an almost constant aggression this century where the war mongering has never stopped.100 years of seal clubbing minor nations gives a false sense of invulnerability to the American public. So we have the assumption that the M1 is indestructible yet it has not to my knowledge ever faced an opponent anywhere near its own level. Its been used for seal clubbing arabs in pick up trucks for 40 years not facing Russia in open combat. Be interesting to see how they do in Ukraine.

UK players seem to have an almost glum acceptance of their armour being second rate. We seem to know we have never faced anybody worthwhile with our tanks. Not losing a Chally is more luck in opposition than judgement and if history was different so would the outcome be.

Where major nations have sold their tanks to minor nations such as the M1 and those nations have actually used them in combat against a similar they have lost a few. People will then be quick to jump in and say they are inferior examples or the crew training is at fault or the doctrine sucks whatever. The Merkava was a fine example of an" Indestructible" tank that was amazing until it actually saw combat and we see them on fire in Gaza where the civilian enemy force there don’t even have a tank to their name.

I never had any doubt that the Russians moan about War Thunder as much as we all do.
Fact is the later tiers of the game are fantasy because we have tanks that never faced each other so all any of can do is speculate. It’s all Gaijin can do so we shouldn’t be so hard on them in Top Tier.

Sorry if I offended anybody, A discussion about nations and people is going to be general in its nature and offend somebody. I get that the Russians have to sit and read Russian bias drivel while at the same time creating NATO bias drivel themselves.

Ii cant speak for everyone, but atleast for myself, Im not mad because gaijin is making guesstimates, im mad because gaijin isnt basing their guesstimates on REAL data we have access to an provided them, and ACTIVELY lie that they do actually care about following real data.