The developers want to increase the BR of the Folaga and Albatros, but keep the Russian OP ships still at their low BR as SKR-7 and SKR-1 the balance is totally unbalanced towards the Russian ships



Also, gonna correct you on this while I’m here. SKR-7 is fitted with the RBU-6000 Anti Submarine system. The number following the “RBU” denotes the range in metres. In this case, 6,000m is the longest range that the system can fire to according to the designation (the wikipedia article on it states that projectiles used by the Russian/Soviet Navy have only been used at ranges of 5,500m). War Thunder’s wiki does in fairness state that " you will struggle to hit anything over 3 km." (RBU-6000 - War Thunder Wiki)

However, that still means you are not correct. If it does so happen that it is incorrect in game, please refer (briefly) to the following pages:
Mirka-class frigate - Wikipedia
RBU-6000 - Wikipedia


By all means go into a match with the SKR and try to frag a 10km target with less than 50 rounds like people could 3 years ago.
SKRs are not a threat, you know where they are, and you out-range them with practically everything.

Obviously if ANY of the 4.3s are down-BR’d for a match and you’re in a 3.3, then you’re screwed.
SKR isn’t special, it’s one of half a dozen other vessels across multiple tech trees.

I have never read so much misinformation all at once… Luckily I don’t have to respond to your nonsense any further, as you have already been answered by several players making you realise how wrong you are on the subject.
Anyway have an optician check the SKR’s BR has been at BR 4.3 for a while now.

Thanks for proving my point, as I said before SKR is OP, anyone who tells you otherwise is most likely someone who knows very well that it is OP and wants to keep it that way.


lol The fact you claim all 4.3s are OP is hilarious.

SKR-7s are definetly a pain to fight. They shread most destroyers with ease and I still consider them a decent threat in 5.7 light cruisers.

Its not just their offence, which just eats crew and is highly effective at disabling modules. But they are annoyingly tanky. I think i’ve seen 1 survive the better part of a full broadside from a Belfast. Thats 12 ish 6inch guns. Granted it was badly damaged. But it certainly wasnt sinking or disabled

Now that was a while ago and naval has totally changed. So maybe its not quite so tanky anymore. But I think 4.7 would not be unreasonable for it for now. Naval (like all things) rather desperately needs a decompression


In regards to the Köln I can directly say that it isnt the case, same as the Z25. Another thing that speaks for the SKR´s is that their HE-VT has far better triggerradius contrary to the Köln. Admittedly the HE-VT´s are all over the place in regards to their triggerradius.

USSR Coastal Fleet is Broken - #24 by Karatekakerlake In this post I compared the gunsystems of the SKR-7 and Köln. Basically the Köln loses in the same moment the SKR opens fire due to its BS rockets and gunsystem. Not to mention the Köln has a longer reload than the SKR.


The rockets that I’m out of range of; And the guns that fire 50% slower per gun.

please enlighten us, what ships are you sailing?


All of Italy 4.0, Frank Knox, all of Britain 4.7, Japan 4.7, Germany 4.7.
I use to play the Tashkent as well.

Man in a ~2 v 5 claims he is right

Honestly if you have more people complaining then more people defending you aren’t doing to well in an argument

I’m not having any bias here but i do think skr would be fine at 4.7, its actually comparable to many 4.7. The biggest issue is that naval is a compressed hell of a gamemode


Nah opinion of majority doesnt mean correct opinion.

Kronstadt was op for a while before damage model changes, after which it became easily detonatable with every well placed salvo. Yet people were copeing for a good two months like nothing was changed.

Gering, diane, daring, somner, fletcher, attilo, etna, joanne d’arc, malin, tashkent, akizuki all those ships can blast skr out of the water in seconds.

It took me 4 salvos on 4.3 fletcher class geniere, 3 salvos on gering and 1-2 of etna and attilo just this week.
Not a single of those skrs had time to properly respond.

This claim is absolutely false

Depends. One has to assess the situation with a degree of impartiality.

Now it has been a bit of time since I’ve last played the SKR but I could’ve sworn the Turret Traverse was reasonable on the 76mm guns.

Also SKR player could have chosen to focus another player they saw as the more significant threat. Just putting that out there.


It takes :

-time to realise you were hit with more than just stray bullet
-time to realise you are in danger from that ship more than, for example, ship you are focusing
-time to locate your opponent out of every ship shooting

  • time to rotate your guns and aim properly
  • time to fire enough salvos to incapacitate enemy ship

Proberly also time to hit extinguish button because those fires start a lot.

If your ship usually dies in the meantime it is indeed fragile.

As someone who plays DD lineups at 4.7-5.0 a lot - the SKR’s are dangerous, but certainly not unbeatable.

The rockets on the -7 are really dangerous of course, but there’s a miniscule number of of players who use them well at reasonable ranges - honestly I wouldn’t get killed by them more than one-session-a-week - ie by encountering the same person who can use them in a few games in 1 day.

Where the SKR-1 (only) really makes me hide is when I’m playing 3.3 PT boats… and TBH it is 1.0 BR above me so that’s completely understandable.

The problem is that the players defending SKR are creating misinformation, since they claimed that SKR had suffered a BR increase, but this is not the case.

So in this case it is obvious that everyone who admitted that SKR must suffer a BR increase is right, unlike the players defending SKR who created misinformation to protect a ship OP


playing coastal in the same BR of 4.3 you also have no chance vs. a SKR7 - not to mention the PR206 (which due to the fragmentation issue is now a little easier to kill)


You do certainly have a point, although I don’t know about everyone else but the moment I take floods, module damage that needs repairs, or a fire, I tend to start seek out what’s just inflicted that, and RTR drill (Return fire, take cover, return effective fire)

Again, while I don’t disagree, the SKR doesn’t have bad turret response time, and it has a very high rate of fire that allows you to saturate an area with fire. Yes you have restricted first stage ammunition, but provided you have even a vague knowledge you should be able to get effective fire on target. I guess the aiming is down to individual player ability, and knowledge of the guns ballistics, but otherwise the SKR perhaps has a sizeable advantage over other contemporary ships.
I personally like my Daring Class, and for instance, while the SKR (should) be more fragile, it gets a higher rate of fire in return for that. You could argue calibre of guns might hurt it too, and again, don’t disagree. 76mm is a rather small calibre. But that would only really matter at very long range or against cruisers.

I mean at closer ranges you stand a reasonable chance of being made to suffer.
If an SKR gets the drop on you with its guns, unless you’re a cruiser you stand a reasonable chance of being unalived there and then. I suppose that’s true of other destroyers, but the saving grace is most destroyers/frigates don’t have the turret traverse and rate/weight of fire that and SKR will have.


Its only real advantage is firerate and rockets but those only work below 2km. The quality of shells, salvos, amount of crew, protection, no secondaries, cramped layout all disfavors skr in fight with dds.

I really am keen on testing for the past week what Im claiming here and I havent yet died to skr. Today I had a fight in kelvin and later in verazzano, both of which were started by skrs. In both cases I lost one turret and around 20% of crew before returning fire, taking out one skr turret and then finishing it off shortly after. 30-40% total crew loss. It could be worse of I was focusing somebody and not just. I feel confident that 4.3 is justified for skr. It is very good at supporting fire from behind of its team and extremely dangerous in close combat but cannot withstand fire from a focused dd and is prone to ammoracking.

Obviously playing against a newbie or a bot who had no idea what he was doing.

RN Da Verazzano is one of the weakest ships there is, and suffers from overBR (high cannon reload, absurdly low torpedo speed, lower AA cannon effectiveness than other nations), it doesn’t stand a chance against SKR.

RN Da Verazzano is destroyed in seconds by any SKR that knows where the left mouse button is.

If it is true that my Freccia P-493 is at BR 4.7 and is only armed with: 3x40mm cannons, and has no chance against destroyers but only against patrol boats.
Then it is equally true that the SKR which is much better armed than the Freccia P-493, in fact has: 4x76mm cannons, Torpedoes, Rockets… It can traquilely stand at BR 4.7 or even 5.0.

SKR is a cancer at 4.3