The Dev Server is Opening with Major Update “Dance of Dragons”! — 30.08.2024 [DEV Server is closed]

Man. the new J fighters are such a Letdown.

Let me know when you guys fixed F-16 MLU weapon and CM, Added Mirage 2KE and F-CK-1 for Taiwan. J-10 and JF-17 just aint it.

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Im not surprised a china centric update may be the most unliked and controversial of recent tbh, although its not from what I was anticipating as I thought the new Chinese stuff would be pretty insane and we would see a hellhorde of Chinese players flooding lobbies but looks like nothing too crazy. Potentially ruining a valuable flanking path on one of the most common maps for every BR though I though gaijin knew better to do (even if its limited to the scenario where none of the points are south of the river)

North Holland is just a modern-looking East Europe but its redzones are so restrictive sometimes you cant flank at all and I feel like I’m playing Lakeville from World of tanks again, at least you can actually flank on that map past the church.

jesus christ the worst world of tanks map allows for more flanking than some “updated” war thunder maps this is insanity


My client keep crashing, anyone know why? (dev server, normal one works fine)

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wish i can get his but im on mac

Eastern Europe has been massively changed, for the worse.
The relentless changes to maps are at best highly contentious. Despite a year of negative feedback about the changes there has not been a single time where customer consultation has occurred.

It would seem that the map editor now only has 4 functions: delete, flatten , mark red & winter version.

The objective of these changes is baffling. The main complaint of players was spawn camping, which has not been addressed or has even been made worse.

Wheeled premium vehicles are for sale and functions of modern vehicles implemented while simultaneously the maps are deliberately changed to frustrate those vehicles and functions.


Do you still haven’t understood up there? We want maps on which we can play tanks for what they were built for, namely shooting from long distances and flanking. We don’t want maps where we stand in front of each other at 100 metres and shoot at each other until cat and dog say goodnight.


how to get equipment on the dev server

you have to grind it

yeah revert most of them back please, almost all of the changes is just another instant leave match…

the maps that you block with red lines due to spawning camping (east europe), erm i mean the Netherlands map, just add barricades from the fields to shot in spawn points/B point and a dip the other side can use to reduce the dominate side of the map just straight up winning…

and for the actual Eastern Europe… wouldn’t it be just be better to put B on the other side of the river instead of destroying all bridges on the domination one…

and for the t



And yes, spawn camping and bullshit sightlines are an issue.

This issue is solvable using hilly terrain, buildings, wreckage and even foliage.

Also wider maps where the objectives are more spread out as well as the spawns so spawncamping both becomes difficult to pull off except for the end of the game.

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I also do not like any changes which make the maps smaller and/or reduce the ability to maneuver. There are far too many small maps as it is, ruining the remaining maps where you are actually able to move around is a massive failure. Blocking off/out of bounds is SOMETIMES reasonable, where the opposing side has no ability to flank the flankers/“campers”. But this change is far beyond what is reasonable.

But the change to Eastern Europe is a huge downvote/no from me. Do not do this, you should be doing the opposite, not making the maps more brain-dead.

The only thing I would maybe think would be ok/fun, is to make those bridges destructible by the bombers. That would create a different dynamic each and every game, risk friendlies being cut off from support (a new and interesting dynamic.) AND would also make the amphibious vehicle’s abilities viable. (Yeah, maybe that is the point already with this change, but I do not think the bridges should all be destroyed from the start of the match. And I play amphibious light tanks 90% of the time myself.) Actually anything that would get the bombers to use their bombs on other targets besides tanks would be a win, and a fun dynamic imo.

List of Amphibious Vehicles
This would also give Russia a massive advantage as basically all their mid/later light tanks are amphibious, including the Strela SPAA! (I already have them all, including the 2S38 and BMP-2M, so I wouldn’t necessarily complain, just pointing it out.)

IF that sort of mechanic would be considered, they should have health equal to or greater than a base bombing target in Air Battles. EG, 1x 1k LBS bomb should not be able to destroy a bridge. One bombing run with an F4’s 11x 1k Lbs would be able to blow them all then. It should take something like a full/near full load from the F4’s to take one out. (Obviously adjusted per BR range just like it is in Air Battles, ie reduced bomb load requirement for lower BRs.)

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The only bad ones are the Eastern Europe changes. All the others have blocked off spawncamping spots, or made the maps better in small ways.
38th Parallel? Good change, screw spawncamping. Kuban? How is that change bad? Iberian Castle? Also, not a bad change. El Alamein? It prevented you from drowning, or getting to an unbalanced spawncamping spot, so how are these bad?

The only bad changes are the ones on Eastern Europe.

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fix the dev server crashing, i cant even load in.

They are boring about changing things and never listen.
AND they still not corrected flagstaf and … BRETAGNE !!!
6 MONTHS !!!

take it or leave it


wrong the spawns should be top and bottom of the B point not left and right

I agree i hate WOT mostly because of that map but you do have a point. Flanking is kind of a key thing in high tier Ground matches, especially when fighting Russia. And Gaijin is literally favoring Russian tanks when the make it were you cant flank.


i think the release speed for the sat bombs is artificially limited, along with the other bomb should be closer to mach 1.5.

airflow over mach speeds is vastly different so 1.01mach limit is accurate

not according to some documentation. 1.5 is the mach limit for the jadams.