The current state of the Namer and how it could improve

Yeah, I prefer it getting more ammo and not the APS. APS is barely useful when the only thing it does is stop ATGMs (and it even fails to do so sometimes).

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No, having played 100 matches in a whopping total of 8 first Rank vehicles over a year ago is not being (X) nation player.
Do you see me calling myself an “Italian player” because I played a few hundred matches years ago up to Tier III?

Oh, enlighten me please: which 10.3 vehicles could Israel get and how do “people” keep “preventing one from being added”?

The main argument is that it gets the APS and stays at the same BR. There would really be no reason for it to move up in BR and it would be a lot better than it going DOWN in br which would just be a massacre against TAMs and Leopard A1A1s

The APS is the more “”“realistic”“” option because the APS was actually mounted on the same hull while there was never really any ammo in the hull because it was not necessary for a prototype/demonstrator vehicle

What stuff? We already got sixteen billion Magachs and nearly every Merkava variant possible; and any further potential Merkava variants are in the exact same range as the current ones.

Oh look, despite my WT break on June 1st for 3 other games, despite the dev server, and despite only playing <10 matches a day these few days, I still played Israel at least once a day.

With over 60 battle hours in my Israel ground, and over 100 battle hours in Israel air.

Yet according to @SPANISH_AVENGER , @F-16D_Barak_II and I aren’t Israel players.

Wow, that practically makes you an Israel main.

Having played a few dozen matches over years with exactly 8 Rank IV vehicles (Israel’s equivalent of Rank I vehicles on its tree) also makes you knowledgeable and an authority to talk about Rank VIII vehicles which you will probably never even get close to.

So, since you are so knowledgeable, let me ask again:

@SPANISH_AVENGER lol The fact you think all WT players are incapable of getting to top BR is hilarious.

“This dude that completed all 10 air trees, 6 ground trees, and is finishing the last 4? Nah, never gonna get to top BR.”
Not sure why you’re baiting so hard.

To name a few the M113A3 RCWS-30 variant can be added.

Carmel IFV (not the official name as its a prototype)
Eitan IFV
Mk4 4M 400
Mk4 Barak
Pereh (uses SPIKE NLOS)

There are probs some obscurity ones that can be added but if you wanted to flesh out there lineup these can be added for sure. not counting any AA systems or TD/ATGM launchers

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There were not really any ammo in the hull because it was a demo vehicle. However if it went in to service I am quite sure it would carry a bit more than only what’s loaded.

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Merkava Mk.4M 400, with Trophy?
Merkava Mk.4 BARAK, Israel’s latest MBT variant that came into service in 2023 and equipped with Trophy just like Mk.4M?

Do you really think literal improved Merkava Mk.4s would fit AT 10.3 “to accompany Namer on a lineup”!?

I said to flesh out there top tier lineup… I did literally just name 2 IFVs that can fit that BR (3 if you include the M11A3) or if gaijin want to meme the hell out of GRB the Pereh

ide have to find the more obscure stuff and export stuff that they helped develope (like the Redback) for Australia

My point is: Alvis and someone else said that Namer MUST be 10.3 because “it could have a lineup there”. When I said that there were no other 10.3 vehicles in the Israel tech tree, they said that “Israel has no 10.3s because people won’t allow it”, hence why I allowed which kind of vehicle could possibly be 10.3 to go along with Namer on a lineup, hence my reaction to your comment, since you replied to me with that, hahah.

I think there was a misunderstanding along the way xD

And I gave you a list… im not a historian so im probs missing a lot of stuff here that could be added, christ we dont even know if they go down the sub TT route for Israel who knows. but they have a few that can fit in that gap.

But up BR’ng an already subpar IFV and claiming “it doesnt matter” because no lineup is just not right because some people do genuinly play with 1 vehicle lineups or specific vehicles OR that might be the first vehicle they hit in a TT grind at that rank so having it higher in BR for a mostly useless upgrade that is ahistorical makes literally no sense

I don’t think the argument of “One vehicle lineup” is invalid. But what I do think is invalid is that “you want” to handicap this vehicle to be at a lower BR.

As you mention, it’s a subpar IFV because it doesn’t get the necessary additions that have been mentioned here. More ammo and such would up its BR but also make it more capable.

Oh and also. Nothing stops you from running it in a single vehicle lineup even if it’s 11.0.

Sabra Mk1 and Mk2.
Namer 30. [Coming next major update for the game]
Chaparall. [Already in-game]

At the least.

No thats not what I am saying.

Your still ignoring the fact when someone grinds a TT they pick a line, if they suddenly go down whatever line the Namer is in and grin the other stuff but make that the first vehicle they hit in that rank, and its 11.0+ because of APS that it cannot fit IRL. this in advertently effects anyone grinding.

Why? because if its a 10.0-10.3 vehicle by specs, this means you screw over anyone who grinds the TT and hits that vehicle first because now they are forced into a vehicle in a higher BR than it can actually perform in… thats why up BRng something just for APS is ludicrous because it still matters.

It matters even more if someone decided to do the Israel grind with no premiums, hits the Namer and wants to talisman it for the final grind but cannot because its to high of a BR because of one upgrade (which gaijin will do)

But I am arguing for more ammunition, not APS. Hence more offensive capabilities? It’ll be fine at 11.0 since you increase its offensive capabilities. No?

Yeah, have it at 11.0 with actual armor and have the Achzarit RCWS-30 at 10.0/10.3


I know you are, but im just correcting you and spanish because only seeing it as a “no lineup” question and not as an individual vehicle is flawed, someone will hit that tank first OR use it to finish the grind off for the rest if its Rank 7 so it does Rank 6 and 8 efficiently with talisman.

I’de hate for anyone doing a grind to be dumped right into a subpar IFV at 11.0+. hence BR matters even if there is no lineup

That’s interesting, but those are not ingame and I can’t see how they aren’t added “because people stop them from being added”. How do people stop them from being added?