The current state of the Namer and how it could improve

11.0 would be a more fitting BR imo. You have the Merkava 3s, Kurnass and hopefully the Peten will go down to that BR aswell

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Glad you’re in agreement.

Maybe. But if it’s 11.0, then we need to see it with more ammunition and armor.

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It needs either the APS or more ammunition for the gun and missiles

well thats true, but i feel that 10.7 would be a good start point, more when youre quite stock and we know stock merkavas are, quite slow to say the least, uness you see a mayor buff id say 11.0 br is okay

Ammo… thanks for reminding me about reloads that it should have.

Honestly, I don’t want the APS now that I think about it. Since that gives gaijin an excuse to not give it more ammo… Wouldn’t it be better to give it more ammo so it can be more offensive rather than a defensive brick?


This is a general problem that plagues many vehicles in game.
Take the Vilkas as a main example: only 3 belts of ammo (one of which is inside the turret) and only 4 Spikes (2 of which are in the turret). If you see the empty space that thing has in the back,you’ll laugh at how tiny the Spikes are in comparison.

According to Gaijin, modular vehicles are not modular at all


Yeah ammo would be a much better choice but APS is the more “Realistic” option of the two since it was actually mounted on the hull (but yeah the turret itself wasn’t on the trophy equipped hull)

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if the namer gets its 700mm chemical protection, aps is not a big deal and wouldnt mind much, hellfires would be an issues but i remember my mk3 tanking russian missiles and hellfires like nothing

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yes the Namer IFV/RCSW both use the MK 4

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The armor layout is similar and uses the same tech but on books i’ve read that it’s Merkava 1/2 hulls that have been upgraded

There’s this reasoning of how it never went in to service and as such it should only have 2 SPIKE. But here’s the catch…

If the vehicle went in to service. I can, with confidence say that it would carry more internal ammunition… I don’t know about anyone else here but it sounds very logical and reasonable to have it carry more than 4 or even 6 SPIKE. (Ahem, I guess a bit of Yak-141 treatment here. But it has to be done here)

Then there’s the case of Freccia, that vehicle is in service and is determined to carry a set amount of SPIKE. But those are able to be confirmed. For the Namer we kind of just have to guess? I’d say 8 SPIKE is reasonable for its BR… Maybe even up it to 10.7, then 2 reloads or 3 reloads for the 30mm. Then you got a 11.0 vehicle there. What do you all think about this?


I’d say 12 spikes would be more fitting, turning it into a pseudo ATGM carrier at 11.0. Then the IFV can come at 11.3/11.7 with APS and more gun ammo

Hmm, not bad. But I’d also like some autocannon ammo?

The issue really is the fact that we don’t know what plans they actually have. Which makes me incredibly worried of how this vehicle actually will end up.

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If it got that many Spikes it’s primary use would be as an ATGM carrier with the Autocannon being secondary instead of the autocannon being the primary weapon with the ATGMs secondary

Yeah but the autocannon is for use in smaller environments?

And even then, I honestly think the SPIKE should be secondary. While SPIKE is cool. The autocannon is necessary for smaller and shorter engagements. SPIKEs cannot be used in all situations. Having both is good then.


That’s fair

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I’d agree if we had gotten the real Zerstorer 45, but what we got did exist apparently - the same gun mount but on a Mobelwagen.

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