The current state of the Namer and how it could improve

im quite disappointed, yea we finally got our ifv, but only having 200 rounds and 2 spikes, while having a lot of free space is, well, sad


Thing is people will only excuse it to be op since it can be hulldown or do corner engagements with all that empty space in the back. But I believe that gaijin can be a bit ahistorical here and fill it with ammo anyways.


the namer chasis we get if im not mistaken is a mk4 chasis, the apc variant are the mk1-2 variant


it could be op, but i can see it getting overpressure/ammo racked every time

Simply shooting the ammo:


Namer is based on the Mk1/2 as far as I’m aware but overhauled with Mk4 armor tech and mk3 powerpack

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I don’t mind, the turret is small and it’s going to be even smaller at range. It also got LWS equipped so that’s a big plus. But I want it to receive SPIKE so it can work ok on decent long range maps, so what. I has fire and forget capability? But the game is naturally progressing towards more advanced munitions. Just give it 8 spikes or something. Gaijin can’t know for sure if it’s going to be insanely op or insanely bad or mediocre at best.

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The funny thing is that a spike = ~0.5 kills

You need to fire on average 2 spikes to get one MBT kill (yes ive tested it)

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i see, thanks for clearing that out, i really hoped we would get the one with the aps hardkill and the mk4 powerpack, but hey, something is something, i guess

To preface:
I think the armor and mass are incorrect on Namer; and it’s likely missing reloads of ammo.

With that said:
You provided no evidence of Namer getting Trophy.
The suggestion would make Namer 11.X instead of 10.X, which would be a nerf.

Your post proved there are no double standards.
Namer’s better as a 10.X than a higher BR.

That’s not Namer.


That’s not Namer. That will come as a separate addition in the future.

Stop trying to nerf our tanks.

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We can get it on the current one, there is nothing preventing gaijin from adding it since its only hull mounted

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I really wish there was a way to block people from commenting on threads i make

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The hull itself can be equipped with APS. That’s the catch.

11.X is better if it can receive its proper Armor and get More ammunition. Have fun facing it in a 9.3 vehicle when it in reality would carry something like 8 SPIKE and 2 reloads for the autocannon. I think I’d prefer it be 11.x with actual meaningful munitions and armor than 10.3 with very mediocre performance and lack of spikes.

As of all vehicles in WT. All vehicles have their up and downs. But I believe the Namer should be one of those vehicles that can offer a more unique playstyle for an IFV. If a vehicle is more capable then of course it’ll receive a higher BR. Therefor, move it up in BR and give it more munitions! You get the best of both worlds.


Ignore his bait
let’s get back to our civilized discussion

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