The CDK needs to be updated

Hi everyone, for the past couple of months, I’ve been trying to master the CDK. However, due to various bugs and the overall unintuitive system, my enthusiasm for learning is dwindling. I don’t want to label the CDK as terrible, but when compared to editors in other games, it falls short. I kindly request a substantial update for the CDK, not just to fix bugs, but to bring about a radical transformation. I believe it’s time for a significant update. I hope my feedback is considered for future improvements. Thank you for reading this far, and I wish you a good continuation.


I would like to know what games.

Eden editor, arma 3. I already think this is one of the best

Be sure you have the latest CDK as if you’ve been trying in the past couple of months and it’s been crashing, you may not have the latest version released in the previous month and a half or so.