The Kurnass has access to Python 3s
Magic 2 is superior to Python 3.
Thats not possible.
By the time MICA missiles production started Mirage4000 project was already cancelled.
Yes there’s a full 1.0 BR difference between the two planes. You stated the plane is completely outclassed, with access to Python 3s I would have to disagree.
If i had to take a guess they were developed along side each other, the 4K being in the mid to late '70s and the MICA starting in the early '80s. I can only assume it was planned to be mounted to the 4K, if i remember correctly there were pictures of the weapons section from the 4K’s manual showing the 3 rack pylons for the MICA. I doubt it will get MICA’s but it would be nice to see a fully developed 4K in game.
And the su25 couldn’t carry R60MKs. Gaijin gave it to it to make the plane viable. It could carry R73s but they were the only all aspect missiles. So it’s not impossible that the Mirage 4000 shouldn’t carry micas as if the plane was continued it would have. Same with the Milan how the Dassault website said if the plane had been continued it would have received magic 1s and maybe some countermeasures. Obviously in real time you are right but what I’m saying is if gaijin will give su25 missiles it couldn’t carry I don’t see why they should let the Mirage 4000 or Milan fall back and suffer in AMRAAM spam when realistically if left for 5 years would have been made compatible.
What were you saying?
Su-25’s are perfectly capable of carrying R-60M models.
Yea unlike Su-25’s Mirage4000 was already cancelled before MICA production, there is not single pyhsical evidence that shows Mirage4k could carry MICA missiles.
You’re comparing Apple to Orange buddy.
Supposedly there were plans for compatible racks with future advanced missiles. Heavy emphasis on supposedly. Wouldn’t be the most accurate thing in the world, but yak 141 exists so.
There were 8 years between cancelling the Mirage project and MICA’s service date.
They might considered this option but its clear as a day that the idea was in very early stage at those times, as much as i dont like the addition of Yak-41 at least its armament options was already in service and there were mockup designs.
Even with MICA missiles Mirage4K will suffer at top tier due to lacking HMD and bein stuck with HDN radar.
Best solution would be decreasing the Mirage Br.
damn this aged badly now that it’s 13.0
This thing is DEAD.
Has to dump a third of its chaffs to avoid 1 AIM-120 every 2 seconds, doesn’t matter because the F-15E has so unrealistically little drag that it’s already at your location before you can even TRY to progress through the map.
the problem is mostly that there are full uptiers right now and yeah f15e/i does not fit at their current br.
At fox 3 update it was still ok with half uptier/downtier currently for sure i wouldn’t play it.
not the only problem, you can’t fight av8’s with fox 3 while you have no src PD only SRC PD HDN, and while f15 at the same br (13.0) gets it and with more advanced controls at high speed
i dogfighted av8 and f15 and had no problem to kill them and dodge their missile or only get really limited damage.
The thing with mirage 4k is your radar is useless 99% of the time as you will take only 8 magic 2, so the first thing you do is to disable it and play low to surprise ennemies as you will not appear on their rwr but they will appear on yours.
And each time you hear a fox 3 respect it, hug the floor and go away from it, do not just chaff.
Doing this helped me a lot even when playing solo against the rest of the ennemy team, sure you can’t clutch all time if you team hard lost but you can still take at least 2 with you and i had lot of great games with like 6-5 kills.
Yeah and that is mainly the problem with fighting FOX3’s you can’t even use your radar missiles so you have to use the ground for cover and only IR missiles at this time the BR of that aircraft is next to unplayable because you are so limitated compared to others.
Some people say “just notch”, you can’t go defensive evrytime because you literally only have defensive armements, you can just rely on the ground and sometimes it doesn’t help, you can’t play defensive during 10 minutes and your allies will kill the ennemy and you will have 0 rewards.
That’s why at this time i find this plane trash while some planes have AIM120 at 12.7 or 13.0 with their supposed bad mobility( av8 mobility is really good and having a rear aspect shot on it is a hard task if the ennemy is skilled)