The Art of Warfare is looking for players


The Art of Warfare [TAW] is a well organized international gaming community that was established in 2001.

What we offer

  • Active and organized players in War Thunder and many other games.
  • An international community so there is always someone in your timezone to play with.
  • A huge Teamspeak server.
  • A website at
  • Medals and badges that recognize your skill in War Thunder and your contributions to TAW
  • A ranking system for those who like to advance within the community.
  • New friendships with your clan mates
  • Lots of games to play just a channel away.
  • And much, much more.

What we offer you in the War Thunder Division

  • All game modes: Arcade, Realistic and Simulator.
  • All types of vehicles: tanks, planes and ships.
  • All nations
  • A place for those who are just looking for other people to play with.
  • Multiple fun events every week organized by our leadership.


  • Be able to understand and speak English (doesn’t have to be perfect).
  • Be willing to use Teamspeak
  • Have a working microphone
  • Be mature
  • Be active
  • Most importantly have fun!

How to join us

If you’re interested in joining, you can apply here.

You could also contact me by sending me a pm, messaging me on Discord at macc92 or sending me an email at macc@taw(dot)net


We also have a discord server here where we can answer any questions you might have and take you through the squadron application process

Very nice bunch of people. Custom events at least twice a week. Having a lot of fun with them.

Very friendly, custom battles twice a week, organized historical recreations, and good place to chat about war thunder changes.

We are always on the lookout for more members, please feel free to visit our discord, put in an application on our site, or if you have any questions send me a PM.