Indeed, Italians is the only country that has no Squadron Vehicle at all on all of its tech trees and I do not understand why.
If gaijin fixes the error on this mbt armor, I will be happy to buy it.
putting them all at 11.3 would stop us having to uptier the poor otomatic up 0.7 in br too lmao… not that the otomatic should even be 11.3…
gaijin dont like tank that can resist russian round
every tank should be able to be pen by 3bm60
Hello! Any news or it is on standby mode again? Italian TT playerbase is not that loud as some, but we deserve the comment from devs at least, like if they regect suggestion, at least maybe they will say why “WAR” kit is modelled in the way they think.
Based on the current information, the report is not sufficient for the moment to provide any changes to the protection of the vehicle. The report will remain open whilst the developers investigate further to see if new information can be found.
Could it please be taken into consideration that the nature and purpose itself of the in-game WAR kit is wrong?
As stated in the devblog:
Let’s take a closer look at the WAR armor add-on kit mentioned above. This kit provides additional protection on the turret’s cheeks, helping to resist hits from guided missiles and HEAT based shells.
We have two secondary sources, which state the opposite:
The WAR kit is not made for CE protection, but for KE protection.
I will assume the report is, as you say, insufficient to fix all the armor layout of the tank. But can we please address the elephant in the room
And before you say how premium devblogs are just written by the store team or whatever. That statement in the blog is a DIRECT DESCRIPTION of what is currently modelled in the game and straight up CONTRADICTS every publicly available source that the WAR kit is meant to protect against APFSDS. And if you want these sources, I will happily provide them.
The answer we keep getting is that we need to give you protection values.
Why are we pretending like guesstimates are not used when modelling modern in-service vehicles?
You have the weight of the armor, you have the dimensions (SO YOU KNOW THE DENSITY) and you have the intended role of the armor, we even have the date of introduction if you need a timeframe for the armor technology.
Yet you keep refusing to fix it and even worse never explain what the current modelling is even based on, which if we take the description provided in your OWN Devblog is pure FANTASY!!!
If you are so adamant about your position, why not release a blog explaining the current modeling like you do for other hot topics in the community?
Instead, we have your team ignoring all the feedback, creating a fantasy narrative about HEAT protection and arrogantly selling it to us for 70$ instead of taking 1 look at the worst top tier tank in the game.
A report can be made from in game model if there is a clear view of something being incorrect in the WAR kits protection.
The dev blog itself however is not a source and not something a report can be made from. Everything within a blog is subject to change.
This is such a nothing burger of a answer. We all know how these reports go
I can only provide assistance towards the proper means on how reports can be made and the issue raised correctly.
If no reports are made, sadly there is little we can do to help there.
A report was made and not accepted
But hey nice deflection, throw it to “make a report” when you know the report won’t pass.
And I’ve already preemptively addressed what you will say about it just being a dev blog info. The blog is simply describing what is in modeled in the game. And what is modeled in the game has sources proving that it is wrong. But I know all that will be done is editing the blog instead of addressing the issue.
Indeed. As explained in the answer there, sadly there was not a sufficient amount of information to make any changes to the protection.
As mentioned above, reports and sources are welcome that show a clear tangible discrepancy to work with.
There is no “deflection” here. Simply trying to assist on the proper means of how this can be raised and reported.
The dev blog is discussing the vehicle as it is modelled in game. If you wish to report something with that, it must be done via what is in game, not simply the wording of a dev blog and with evidence to show exactly what is incorrect.
You’re the community manager so at the least you can answer this one
Can calculations based on the in-game dimensions and weight be used as a source?
Asking players to pay real money for Ariete is peak trolling from Gaijin.
We have done this in the past for a couple of tanks. It’s incrediblly time consuming for the developers to formulate such information into a suitable and digestible size for blogs with all the relivant information and the reaction to said blogs was not really showing it was a worthwhile or justified thing to do.
It’s also sadly simply not practical to make a new dev blog detailing every source used on the protection or discussed feature every time there is a question of disagreement with how it’s modeled in game. Sadly it would simply be asked / expected of practically every major vehicle in game. Which as you can imagine, is not a practical thing to do.
No. Weight is not always indicative of protection.
I mean, I would say there’s a clear view of something being incorrect when a +250mm LOS, 140mm thick, 5.5 ton composite block stated to be designed against KE threats adds only 10mm KE somehow…
See, this is where I think well educated guesstimates and reasonable logic should take over the obsession for “sources”.
And what sources did the devs use for the current modelling? Sources so good that they can’t be overridden with anything short of a manual?
Which source on this planet could possibly suggest that this composite armor should be several orders of magnitude weaker than literal rubber, and barely, hardly more effective than AIR…?
Why do we need official documentation to deal with a matter that should reasonably only require a slight bit of logic and common sense?
You can calculate the density of the material from the weight and dimensions, which should be indicative of protection no?