The AIM-9 Sidewinder - History, Design, Performance & Discussion

So, with the AIM-9M in game now, and likely coming on newer jets being released. There’s not too many more before the AIM-9X comes out. I’m not huge into the technical info like you guys but I was wondering… What are you guys estimated time for the 9X in WT, think next year, or maybe 2025?

We have the R-73 and the AIM-9X is slightly better. ATM the development of AAM’s seems to be
AIM-9M/Li/P-4, Python 3, R-73, and Magic 2.
Then AIM-9M-8/P-5, R-73M, Python 4, and Magic 2 with 50g overload and better IRCCM.
Then AIM-9X, R-74M, ASRAAM, Python 5, MICA IR.

Finally AIM-9X BLK 2, R-74M2, ASRAAM, IRIS-T, Python 5, MICA.


My current timeline is that we may begin to see Gen 5 IR missiles end of 2024. Aircraft like the Tornado Gr4 are going to be at an inherrently high BR due to their A2G loadouts and so are going to need an edge in A2A for that BR. I reckon in the Tornado Gr4s case it will be its 2x ASRAAM (with limited integration), especially as Aim-9M is not compatible with the airframe.

Aim-9X could be deployed on a similar “low performance” airframe at the same kind of time but im not sure on what.


From what i understand, the AIM-9M we got in game is already one of the lastest version of the missile.
But otherwise good comparaison of missile capabilities.

Still you should make 2 differents MAGIC 2 missiles. Or just say it’s the Magic 2 Fixed.

  • The “base” version of the Magic 2 missile should have a better IRCCM (smaller IFOV and suspended tracking) as well as the 50G overload. It should also has a bit more range (still less than the 9L/9M), a shorter fuze (1.2s instead of 1.8s) and turn quicker off the rail.

  • There is an “upgraded” Magic 2 mk2 that was developped and went into service in the late 1990’s before the MICA IR. This missile has a new and better seeker (no idea what) as well as better range (20km max range compared to the 15km max range of the MAGIC 2 and the 18km max range of the AIM-9L). But information about this missile is VERY scrase and hard to find.

Also you can add the IRIS-T alongside the 9X/R-74M/Python 5/MICA IR/ ASRAAM.
It’s not a step above those missile.
Even if it’s the most maneuvrable of all of them, it’s the shortest ranged. So it will be very good in dogfigth but pretty poor for medium range fox 2 shot.

Then the 9X block 2 (9X with lofting, datalink, loal) can come alongside R-74M2 (R-74M with better range :50km, new seeker and datalink/loal).
They’re not really a big step above the ones before but anyways.
(ASRAAM/P5/IRIS-T/MICA already have LOAL and 360°) so the upgrade for the 9X and R-74M2 is almost only “catch up”.

The real step up is (hypothetic) AIM-9X Block 3 with 65km range, ASRAAM block 6 with a top notch seeker, MICA IR NG with top notch seeker, dual pulse and 100km max range.


Maneuverability has increased since P-3, I don’t know the exact numbers but I’m estimating 25g.



An F-16 manual says its only the P5 that got enhanced maneuverability or at the very least further enhanced from the P4.




The report is from 1988, so before the AIM-9M-8 existed. It’s probably talking about the AIM-9M-4 or similar.

Quick on the draw there, my ears were burning. Ahaha


AIM-9X for AH-1Z when


I will say it’s probably worth FOI’ing the appropriate US Government Department for alot of these docs to ascertain their export status etc at this point.

Those late AIM-9B’s intrigue me. I’m curious as to how they perform.

Do note: Diehl has only given us the range at which IRIS-T will hit its targets (i.e 25km’s), maximum range is higher obviously.

I don’t ever recall Block 2 9X having any sort of LOFT capability either, in fact I don’t think any IR missiles mentioned here can LOFT apart from MICA (but feel free to correct me if I’m wrong), and R-74M2s range is quite questionable (as far as I know, it retains normal R-74Ms body - and is simply fitted [finally] with an IIR seeker - so maximum[!] range would still be 40km’s, although effective range is likely sub-30km’s).

Especially taking into account ASRAAM has a claimed maximum range of 50km’s with none of R-74s drag, and a slightly bigger motor. MICA lofts so it makes more sense.

No AOA detectors, new longer engine.

Are you sure you’re not confusing it with the K-30?

“The R-74M1 includes improvements in engagement and seeker-acquisition range, while the R-74M2 was intended to replace the infrared seeker with an imaging-infrared seeker and be compatible with internal carriage on the Su-57 Felon. The Su-57 is the VKS’s latest multi-role fighter and is yet to enter operational service.”

No. It’s not.

He doesn’t. R-74M2 has even more powerful engine than R-74M.

Feel free to provide a source.

No. But i think rvv md2 get index r-74m3?


R-74M2 has 50 km range (R-74M - 40km, R-73 - 30km)

Id be suprised if it did given the fov claims involved and the fact they were allready having issues replacing their seeker supplier after 2014.

Yes FPA seekers are like 30 years old at this point but when the tech locally grinded to a halt with semiconductors like 35 years ago its no suprise

Entirely possible they managed to import seeker heads for the token amount of “R-74M2” They need.

Hmm, upon translation they do state that the engine has “increased thrust”, but at the same time, there’s no mention of the IIR seeker being mounted. So it seems like it’s still your normal IR seeker, just with an increase in range (granted the seeker won’t be able to see the target at those ranges).

@DiamondLag You’re possibly onto something here.