The AIM-54 Phoenix missile - Technology, History and Performance

Yes thank you for confirming your elementary understanding of development and manufacturing of advanced weapon systems as well as history with the “I cannot even reply.”

Now you pivot and want a source that says reproducing advanced technologies without being provided the intellectual properties for serial production is very hard.

You also require that I source all history of the Iranian/Iraq war that I took the time to study as attempt to downplay your lack of understanding.

Just admit you do not know everything about everything in a video game. Go and read up on history yourself. Do your own work.

You have not put much thought and effort into history and very basic design practices of weapon systems. Actually, you do not put much thought into anything really, even your WT nickname reflects that.

If I can lay out history and design practice of the cold war in my own words. Why are you incapable of doing it yourself? Because you have did not read the history and therefore incapable. Instead of just ever admitting you do not know something you always resort to demand I send you every link and source I spent hours reviewing have went over during my time when we studied this in the old forums.

You are absolutely detached from reality. This is admission of that.

How many missiles have you designed? How many of those missiles have you cleared for serial production?

The Fakour-90 is a design developed from the Sedjil. You do not develop missiles from scratch having no experience. They need an easier platform their engineers are capable building upon and able to mass produce.
They used the Aim54 and the knowledge they can gather along with the experience of the Tomcat and specifically chose an easier platform they can work with to replace it.

This is not rocket science kid and requires a source, picture drawn ans that I hold your hand and walk you through.

I did.

Now, please, if you want to discuss it we should do so with real information. Not with personal attacks towards users who want you to provide a basis for the extraordinarily outlandish claims.

It is though

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Man up, you are not being attacked.

Who wants me to provide all the sources and history regarding the Iranian’s amazing history of the Tomcat and aim54 and the engineering achievements in the Sedjil and Fakour-90 as well as continual maintaining and upgrading one of the worlds most powerful air intercept radars the AWG-9? Why would I bother edifying you with my work?

I laid out my understanding from my research as perspective that is all. You only demand everything I ever read because you just have to be the center of attention in every topic you speak on.

forgot to put no pun intended.

The difficulties of reproducing any weapon system is very difficult especially American ones. They are hyper complex and made of critical components that take a specific, highly specialized manufacturing technique that was only produced in the United States.

Even history shows us this in more basic systems such as aircraft. Where the entire intellectual properties were stollen which required physically stealing truckloads of documents in the cold war and still that nation could not reproduce that aircrafts internal layout and must utilize their own design.

You made a bunch of unfounded assertions as fact to support a ridiculous opinion. That’s not “from your understanding”… from your understanding isn’t really worth anything unless backed by some source from which we can derive our own understandings and make comparisons. Let’s do that instead of attacking someone’s character as the basis for a counter argument.

You’re not forming any reasonable arguments, all you do is attack people’s character immediately after saying something that was clearly absurd bait.

What is unfounded? Anything you said here can be stated as unfounded as well. What was ridiculous? That reproducing advanced weapon systems is hard? Lol.

Or the Aim54 was very complex as well as the AWG?

I mean the Iranians believe to this day that Tomcat is so valuable that after reviewing newer Chinese fighters that are still offered for sale. They rather hold on to the Tomcat maintain and upgrading it. I guess you forgot to read that part as well too, and demand a link, right?

This in itself is a ridiculous assertion and it’s one of a great many in the lengthy paragraphs you wrote earlier… and completely unfounded. The AIM-54A by todays standards would be unremarkable. Nothing about it’s technology is hard to produce, and doing so would be a step back from Iran’s capabilities. The Fakour-90 is upgraded in almost every right, surely.

It’s not worth anyone’s time to discuss with someone who wishes only to personally attack them and not provide any basis for discussion period.

its so old it would be hard to make something that isn’t better with digital components i don’t understand why he thinks the Iranians can’t make better missile to replace it

The Aim54 is old but it is still a very advanced missile in which many nations still cannot meet today. Any nation that has obtained the capability has only done so very recently.

The iranian’s highly competent have proven themselves in many weapon system designs. However they are heavily sanctioned and sharing of intellectual properties as well as materials required is always denied.

This isnt rocket science

That’s a reasonable opinion. The truth is, Iran would HAVE to substitute analogue components with modern digital ones. Their AIM-54 equivalent (Fakour 90) would have to be made with similar or better parts than their upgraded Sedjil missile. Especially considering the upgrades to their MIM-23 equivalent “Shalamcheh”.

In what way, if I may ask? What way is it advanced and no one can make something that competes?

Source stating the Fakour 90 is equivalent.

It is probably better I would say.

My phone is more advanced

At doing what over the Awg9 and Aim54 exactly, kid?

didn’t say it a more advanced missile but in general-

My fist is more advanced than your phone.

Did not say at what, but many things.

Your point?

Why is this even necessary?

Can you provide an example of a nation that couldn’t produce vacuum tubes and traditional radars small enough to fit in the AIM-54 or a datalink system until recently?

You can ask daddy all the questions in the world and attempt to trip up.

Who said ANYTHING about vacum tubes, miniaturization of radars or datalink???

The fact remains the Aim54 has a capability that many nations do not have today and those who do, only recently obtained it recently.

It does not matter how old.

You are the one acting like a child with your insults

@Ziggy1989 Are you bipolar my man?


Being aggressive toward other and saying one thing and its contrary isn’t going to advance the discussion


You can just say that:
-The Fakour 90 is an upgrade over the AIM-54A but we don’t really know the capabilities of this missile.
-It wasn’t totally retro-engineered of the AIM-54A which the Iranian used, but is instead a continuous development of Iranian air to air missile starting with the modified MIM-53 HAWC, the Sedjil.

No need to provoke other user to “Man up” as you say.

If I’m wrong, I’ll gradly take criticism to improve my knowledge on Iranian missile. Just try to be constructive with it