I’ve seen some recent discussion about the state of balance regarding the AIM-54’s and their current BR placement and really believe that now, more than ever, would be a great time to properly model some of the differences between the A and C if gaijin’s been holding off on some of the stuff for “balance” reasons.
The A is, afaik, not supposed to be able to reconnect if it does not receive the “pitbull” command, and should effectively act as a SARH until that point. Afaik its otherwise largely correct in kinematics atleast to max range of its shots, but should also have its max G-load pushed up to 25g’s.
This would allow the 54A to be a bit more lethal in shorter range shots, but would lessen the quasi immunity offered by the missile at longer ranges by forcing the F-14A to guide the missile all the way to pitbull, which is more dangerous for it due to its dated RWR and ergonomic difficulties in WVR combat.
The 54C on the other could get a better seeker, the 25g overload, the directional warhead (if/when that implemented), and an improved loft profile as it very much should have, with the F-14B then being pushed up in BR as it realistically should (the F-14B should, all things considered, be more than 1 BR step above the F-14A, but was being held back by its lackluster armament and subpar avionics compared to other 4th gens). This would allow the F-14B to have the proverbial “bigger stick” with the improved lethality of the 54C at ranges while still remaining balanced due to its inferior avionics and size/fragility compared to the other 4th gen jets.
As for the reduced smoke motors, gaijin doesn’t seem to want to add them to longer range air to air missiles which we know have them, such as the AIM-120’s and MICA, so i think its generally fair to withhold it from the 54C until they decide to take that step, but only if the other known underperforming portions of the 54C are fixed to bring the missile in-line with the other fox 3’s.
These changes would allow something like the F-14A to remain around the 11.7 bracket where its avionics, ergonomics, and general weaponry are all relatively balanced while toning down the uncontested nature of having the only fox 3 at that BR by brining it more in line with what the 54A really is, which is (to my understanding) more of a quasi-fox 1/3 mix (only acts like a fox 3 once in pitbull range), and allow the F-14B to be pushed up to something like 12.7 (with a mostly fixed 54C and preferably some 9M’s to replace the 9L’s) where the ACTUAL fox 3’s (54C’s) and their (supposed but not currently modelled) improved performance over the A’s wouldn’t be oppressive in a downtier, while also finally bringing us closer to reality, instead of the current idiocy where the 54A is effectively better in nearly every way to the 54C despite predating it by ~20 years…
If they are gonna adjust the BR’s (which they probably should), they should do it right and model the missiles more correctly, instead of giving us another F-4F situation where the vehicle (or in this case, weapon systems) receive an arbitrary nerf to shoehorn it into a BR it doesnt belong in.