The AIM-120 'AMRAAM' - History, Design, Performance & Discussion

76km isn’t to shabby though it being launched from a shar and subsonic I wonder if that has a impact on its overall range

Missiles are not usually launched going over the speed of sound. The fact that the Harrier is subsonic is irrelevant.

I mean that flies in the face of loads of my missile firing envelopes for both firing from subsonic and supersonic speeds. And a mix a both target types as well.

In a combat setting. Specifically close range. The information provided by the harrier would prove more useful in determining how the missile behaves in a dogfight scenario as it is subsonic platform that would not be operating too high in air contested airspace.

It’s actually very useful it is subsonic because it gives an idea of its lowest base performance.

Do you have a source or something claiming this that isn’t just your opinion?

Having 1/2 the possible launch speed at less altitude than some other fighters can fly at definitely contributes to the potential range of the missile. If it is 40 miles subsonic and at lower altitudes than what other fighters can offer for launch speeds, you’re looking at a huge potential increase in maximum range.

That’s not very relevant, we have the motor performance. We know how much it can overload. We know the performance of the warhead and can determine how the missile will perform at close range quite accurately. What we don’t know is the maximum launch ranges and high alt performances.

Yes, most engagements are not taking place above the speed of sound like they do in video games. Do I really need to source that?

There is also a degree of failure does not present in video games at high speed launches such as Mach 1.10 on the deck. Many missiles will fail to launch and or track in the insane forces applied.

Again, the fact that the Harrier is subsonic is extremely relevant.

The harrier information provided gives you a 40nm max range. Being subsonic. That is a hell of a start. I do not want to say double but dang that’s pretty far.

Yes I’d like a source showing BVR missiles are “not usually launched going over the speed of sound”.

I don’t think that’s a serious concern unless you’ve exceeded the time limit at certain airspeeds. There are conditions that only permit flight at certain speeds and altitudes to avoid friction heating of the nosecones and other stuff. Modern missiles are far less restrictive in this regard.

The 40nm is presumably considering a high altitude launch (with a missile that lofts). I’m not very surprised, and it lies within the ranges in my testing.

@Gunjob is this possibly discussing the AIM-120C-5?

The Sea Harrier only used AIM-120B

The sparrow was never, if ever launched going over the speed of sound in combat.

Lol are you saying because its “BVR” you need to go Mach 1.20 to make it go further than the eye can, see? Beyond visual range

This is a medium ranged missile, not an evolution of the Aim54. But of the sparrow.

I’m just asking for a source is all.

So it seems AIM-120B is >30 and less than 40 nautical mile launch range somewhere if that is the case.
What is the highest altitude the Sea Harrier would likely launch the AIM-120 and at what speed? I can do some testing.

There is also the problem of deciding target speed and conditions as well.

Yes, I will provide Vietnam data on the sparrow and gulf war.

But you do not know what you are asking. Which is I want to emphasize.

A missile that can go beyond visual range does not need to be launched at over the speed of sound just to take it beyond what the eye can see. Lol.

Bro we do not even play at ranges the subsonic harrier can already sling the Aim-120. Why are you tweaking out on how far we can sling it going supersonic?

I dont think anyone ever said that

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That’s very obvious, the Sea Harrier can chuck an AMRAAM somewhere between 30 and 40 nautical miles from subsonic. I’ve never insinuated that and I’d appreciate it if you’d stop these hostile approaches to the discussion by making it seem as if this was something I’ve said.

All I asked was for a source indicating the average missile launch was subsonic, and ideally from the time period within which AMRAAM’s are launched. Falklands won’t count.

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Maximum permitted altitude for the Sea Harrier is 45,000 ft. Max level flight speed at altitude is probably somewhere around Mach 0.9 - 0.95.

No idea what likely firing conditions would be though.

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So I’ll be doing a test from 13,716m and 0.95 mach. I’ll throw it at a MiG-23 traveling at it’s cruising speed for that altitude in mil thrust and move the range until my simulated missile hits to see if it is within the parameters or not. Might provide some good insight.

-edit- target will be a MiG-29 since MiG-23s have some detection issues again it appears.

@Flame2512 @Gunjob

Test results;
From co-altitude and co-speed launch of 0.95 mach the AIM-120 hit the MiG-29 target in 76 seconds at 40 nautical miles (46 miles).

Seems my missile is relatively accurate / close to the real performance based on the public data.

I am curious, what is the point of tweaking out on this? what is the test going to solve. seems worthless. Not because of you, but because of the game.

It already established that the subsonic harrier could sling the Aim-120 40NM. Thats is already much further than the Aim54 can effectively go in War thunder.

Genuinely asking, let’s say we determine the max range. Which I am curious.
So what, is GJ going to implement that range? Will they implement the 40nm at subsonic?

Will they implement 60,70,80 nm? Whatever you determine as max range?

You have to get Gj to implement 40nm at subsonic first before you can ever have a chance of giving its true max range.

As long as the Aim54 remains at what, like 40km max effective range in a supersonic head on at high altitude this is absolutely pointless and nothing more than for giggles, heehaws & just because.

What is the point in you continuously replying to my topic with nothing productive to say towards the missile or it’s performance? Quite literally part of the thread’s existence is dedicated to ascertaining the performance of the missile. If we find more scenarios to test the in-game custom missile file, the better we can predict how it will be implemented into the game.

Uhhh, what?

The AIM-54 is effective at nearly max range currently when fired from high altitude. It’s underperforming, but only according to documents obtained quite literally this last week.