4kg apparently
ok now this makes no god damn sense
Official document from Rafael for the Derby
Official document from Rafael for I-Derby ER…
this is sloppy marketing on Rafael’s part. there’s typos in the document
4kg apparently
ok now this makes no god damn sense
Official document from Rafael for the Derby
Official document from Rafael for I-Derby ER…
this is sloppy marketing on Rafael’s part. there’s typos in the document
does ER even have a new motor? or is it just a guidance and battery life improvment?
I don’t see how, it’s below average compared to the rest of the list.
It’s not about how much heavier it is, it uses a dual pulse rocket motor. They drastically reduced the weight and size of the electronics to allow more room for motor / propellant. It’s essentially what is being done to the MICA to make the MICA-NG.
The old Derby is based on the Python 4 which still uses traveling wave tubes as opposed to solid state electronics. The I-DERBY ER switches to solid state and miniaturizes stuff.
It is believes the I-DERBY ER either comes with an IR proximity fuse or combined the proximity fuse into the radar seeker / dome. No images of the real missile show any sort of viewport for the proximity fuse sensors.
Even the AIM-120D has visible target detection device section.
@BasherBenDawg8 Do you have pictures of the I-DERBY ER that aren’t mockups or training rounds so we can verify if there is a TDD and if so, what type?
AIM-120D is purported to be 180km in range.
MICA EM and Derby SR have an identical vertical launch range of 20km.
MICA NG EM and Derby ER have an identical vertical launch range of 40km.
MICA NG EM is given a stated maximum range of 130km.
I’ll let you guys do the math on whether Derby ER is AIM-120D level of range.
I mean technically the Aim120D will also come first because it was made in 2006 while Indian tested theirs in 2021.
But there ranges are not equal they have different things to match the Aim120D still not as good though
Ahhh it’s got a dual pulse very nice
Why would it not exist?
This article states 100-140km range, although it definitely isn’t a source itself, Rafael is.
They’ve stated that the Debry offers 80% of the capabilities of the Meteor, while costing significantly less to obtain (going for the F-20 style of marketing lmao). It wouldn’t be far fetched to assume this also refers to range among other things.
Wouldn’t be too fate fetched to believe. Likely will be quite some time before any kind of information about this is revealed in any capacity, given how modern the missile is.
I ain’t a know it all like some of yall lol, and there are plenty of things I don’t know anything about. These are just the things I’ve seen talked about and stated, it could be far from the truth for all I know.
Either way, the Indian Air Force choosing to use the I-Derby ER over the Meteor for aircraft such as the Rafale kinda says something doesn’t it, because although it may be the better option financially, they definitely still considered it capabilities.
Supposedly it gains both a beefier motor, as well as a second stage for the motor.
Im sure its a good missile but not convinced
Yeah, it’s says they made a financial decision and not a capability decision.
Yes ofc, but capability is still a consideration. They wouldn’t have chosen it if it wasn’t still capable of meeting the needs of the Air Force. Its no Meteor, but it’s still a very capable missile, especially with its dual stage booster.
Which doesn’t change the fact that it is in the running for last place in a discussion on range, of the missiles he listed.
It most definitely is not. It’s easily at or near the top portion of the list based on my understanding of some of these listed missiles. However I am unfamiliar with a few of them.
The I-Derby ER is very likely better than the Aim-120C-5, and missiles such as the meteor weren’t listed. I have no doubt in my mind it surpasses the R-77-1, but definitely not the R-37 lol.
You’ve been making a lot of claims. Where is proof they’re going to mount Derby ER on their Rafales instead of Meteors?
India already has Meteors for their Rafales and are procuring more, and newer sources state they’ve decided to forego on obtaining Derby-ER at all, and instead going for their domestic missiles for their Sukhois.
Save weight, service missiles appear to have an optical TDD tho.
No one is convinced.
From Rafael’s own brochure. 100km is substantially less than almost every other missile he listed, including the later AIM-120s.
It’s not a bad missile, but it makes compromises in range in order to be able to be carried on so many small platforms.
Derby (SR) and Derby ER. You can contrast this with the MICAs. MICA NG EM is stated to be 130km in air to air, and a bit over 40km in VL according to MBDA but atleast it uses an AESA seeker.
(Ignore MR and LR, they are completely different.)
So seeing that MICA NG EM has more VL range than Derby ER while claiming to be 130km, Derby ER certainly is more in the 100-110km range.