The accuracy of 40mm CT cannon?

How 's the real accuarcy of 40mm CT cannon?

i mean ,not the data on those pdf, as we all know the 2a42 cannon is famous for its terrible accuracy but the test data of it is only a lit bit difference between the m242 bushmaster

the 40mm CT cannon seems have the same problem but i m not sure my opoion is correct,accroding to the CTA’s pdf the accuracy of 40mm CT cannon is :

<0.3 mil both in single shot mod & 60rds/min

But in the teaser of french EBRC jaguar,the performance of 40mm CT is really terrible: 5 shots 3 miss, which is much more awful than the accuracy claimed in the pdf,almost as terrible as 2a42

i really wonder why the depression of 40 CT cannon is terrible like that?

Its the problem of the jaguar itself or that is the the real accuracy of CT cannon ?

the link of teaser: 法国40毫米埋头弹精度belike

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and the accuracy data

Fairly accurate

Keep in mind the video you sent is before the EBRC was stabilized and had its FCS complete. You can see after the first shot misses it begins to reliably hit the target while both are moving

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<0.3 mil in both firing modes means at 1km all shots should land in a circle less than 30cm in diameter. If I did my conversion right.

0.1 mil is 1cm at 100m, so that x10 should give us the values for 1km.

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