The Abused Maus - return to the Tech Tree?


This tank has been years ago deemed not balanceable and therefore it was deleted from the tech tree and up tiered to 7.7 where now it has been staying for years and many changes have come to the BRs at which the Maus is at and can see.

Now there are in the game vehicles with late war high penetrating shells, APDS, HEAT and outright cold war prototype vehicles, as well as howitzers with powerful HE, which the Maus cannot compete with reliably.

The Maus is very slow, very massively visible and very easy to defeat by even 5.3 vehicles while penetrating the turret face while also being very uncommon due to the fact that only people that unlocked it on WT’s Anniversary day have it.

Analyzing the situation

If the Maus would be downtiered to 7.0 it could be destroyed frontally by (in any downtier):

US - T28, M109A1, M41A1, T37, M26, Super Hellcat, M50, T30, M6A2E1, M46 Tiger, T29, M551, T92, M46 and T95

USSR - 2S1, SU100, T34-100, SU100P, 2S3M, ASU85, Type 62, SU122-54, Object 268

UK - Centurions, M109A1, Charioteer MK VII, FV4005, Ratel 90, Tortoise, G6, Conway


From 0 meters up to 1000m+ range^

6.0 vehicles can’t encounter more than 4 Maus tanks in the worst worst scenario while mind you Maus is so slow that probably it won’t be necessarily able to carry a match without its flanks being somewhat safe, as even 5.3 vehicles can pen its sides.

IS3 is at 7.3 while being way faster and more high accelerating while its sides are invulnerable (300mms+) to anything until 8.0 unless you aim at its lower track.

Frontally it is totally invincible in most scenarios with only HEAT and APDS being able to reliably pen the frontal armor, Maus it is not able to pen its front at all, only the drivers port can be penetrated which is pretty hard to because the 128mm shell is very thick.


Maus is very hard to play with in a full uptier while in a full downtier it can be fun, but everyone knows that usually you will get uptiered one way or the other.

Maus should be added to the standard TT, hundreds of people have been requesting this and there is absolutely no balancing issue with it, tanks such as IS3 can do everything that Maus can, while having a smaller profile, better engines and very comparable guns with Maus.

Germany suffers from the deletion of the trinity heavily, while many have been upset at the fact that some vehicles were deleted in a way different era of the game and now Germany could use better vehicles at 6.7 - 7.3

I will not talk about Tiger 105 and Panther II in this post, however, I think the reasoning behind the Maus’ removal is no longer valid as 70% of vehicles that could face it in a full uptier (6.0) can reliably penetrate its turret cheeks, usually taking a maximum of 2 shots for the kill. Even if a vehicle cannot penetrate its frontal armor, it can easily flank the tank since its very slow, while mind you the gun(s) on the Maus aren’t magical wonders with infinite penetration either. Furthermore, with the addition of powerful howitzers such as the PLZ05 for China and other comparable vehicles like the japanese Type 99, the armor of the Maus has become redundant, just Like with any other heavy tank

Thank you for reading and remember that in the end, everyone wants to have fun within their own favorite tech tree.

Should the Maus be included in the normal german TT?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
Should Maus be at 7.0?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
Should Maus be at 7.3?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters


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Hardly use them, Check again now ;)

yea you fixed it

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How could you not see the obvious solution? JUST PREVENT IT FROM GOING ABOVE 7.7, GOD FREAKING DAMN IT. HOW COULD YOU EVEN PROPOSE TO DOWNTIER IT, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND A THOUGHT. Just, damn, ask for it to stop being uptiered. That’s the most logical and well thought solution that’s just out there, grab it and use it. It’s fine at 7.7, problems start when you face 8.0 and double that starting at 8.3 with stabs, APFSDS etc etc.

Would be OP and unkillable.
IS-4M, Conqueror, Maus, and M103 are all great tanks at 7.7, with Maus being the most armored of them.
Maus can also consistently resist 90mm HEATFS seen at its own BR.

IS-3 is inferior in every way to IS-4M, Maus, Conqueror, and M103.

I’m not sure why you’re claiming Germany made the worst heavy tank ever with this post.


Maus is honestly one of the games most easy tank to play. I’m not a good player in any stretch of the imagination and I have almost a 3.5 k/d in it. It’s fine where it’s at.

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The Maus is the most min/maxed heavy tank in the game, so of course it’s going to suck in uptiers, but is great in a downtier.

Its not really possible, but I wouldn’t have a problem with just having Maus in my lineup or Tiger 2s, Maus doesn’t even have a good lineup for it too

Alvis, it was just stated above what vehicles can kill the Maus frontally, it wouldn’t be more different from a Tiger 2, but only having a way longer reload, way slower vehicle generally and being pretty much a point of constant attention.

I’ve done some testing too and you can clearly see that most vehicles from 6.3+ can counter the Maus, while Maus cannot compete with APFSDS and rockets plus its very weird to fight against jets, tanks from the hard 50s and such, while also Maus having no lineup, Pzh2000 is decent but its not really appropriate to use Maus with only Pzh 2000 and Tiger 2s and the M48 has the play style of a light tank while being very bad at it most of the time.

Mind you, Conqueror has an APDS with 500mms of pen, how’s that appropriate for such a BR? That APDS can easily compete with 9.0 APFSDS stats on stats, so lets not be imprudent

If nobody wants the BR changed, then at least the tank should be in the normal tech tree like any other heavy tank, people are still overreacting hard for a tank that can move 15kms/h on a good day while being tracked and barreled non stop, or flanked by the common sense players that would just counter it in 2 mins with even something like a light tank, needing only 180mm+ of pen which any vehicle 6.3+ manages even with the default shell in some cases

Only if the maus player in unaware and in a bad spot.

Because that APDS is awful, and it’s on a mediocre platform.

Which can easily happen since the world is moving around you, while you can only react against situations.

if you overpushed by just a bit, it might be too late to back off because now everyone has you on their sights and they are probably gonna track and barrel you and even if you are in a good camping spot, your warranted to do decent at best and probably a Tiger 2 would be better at sniping, does that mean that Tiger 2 should be 7.7 or 8.0 now? I think not.

I do not agree.

It can front pen pretty much anything, it has decent speed/acceleration while also having ok armor, but you can at least somewhat hide with Conqueror, while with Maus you would have to be supported by team, because otherwise enemies are just gonna run circles around you, which from my POV is not fair, while also Maus has no good lineup and its not even in the tech tree normally, so its artificially capped in numbers for no believable reason.

Even if people want it at 7.7, man at least let it be in the normal tech tree like any other vehicle…its not even like the devs need to do much, just to enable it to the normal TT.

IS-4M, Conqueror, Maus, and M103 are not easily killed as you falsely claim.
Minor angling in Maus makes you immune to 90mm HEATFS, major angling makes you heavily resistant to even 105mm HEATFS.

Also Maus does have a lineup:

Marder A1 and the under-BR’d mKPz M47 are also available options.
Of course the new PzH 2000 despite it having some errors.

I don’t he was serious. Especially with the way it was written was a mixture of satire and sarcasm.

You’re correct regarding IS4M, M103 and Conqueror as being hard to kill and I never defended those vehicles, Marder A1 is a joke and M47 is just bad, the players who play Maus can at best get a better aircraft and their previous Tigers, while mind you Maus can be incapacitated very easily and the turret face is very easy to pen, what you’re doing now is saying that “if the stars align this vehicle is OP”, which yes in some situations it can work, but for the 95% of times Maus is being bullied by jet fighters, cold war tanks that it can’t even pen in a face off, a Maus player can only mildly respond to whats happening around him

I don’t think its fair to compare IS4M which is totally invulnerable frontally while having good mobility and generally being more versatile even for a soviet vehicle, T10M being again very much invulnerable too, you need to count for the uptiers too, which this game only sees uptiers 90% of times, so don’t expect that if Maus would be 7.0 it would stomp everyone, it can’t even frontally penetrate IS3 which is 0.3 lower in BR.

You can’t tell me that Maus is overpowered when @richthofen122 literally listed every vehicle from 6.0 that can pen its turret face…while vehicles like IS3 are totally invulnerable frontally for most vehicles and also very glitchy from the sides, Maus is like a wall, all you got to do is open your eyes and shoot, while with IS3 you need to hit perfectly under the side angled armor in order to kill him.

IS3’s driver port can be penned by some vehicles (very glitchy again) which means that X needs to aim perfectly for those 3-4 pixels while the said IS3 might be going 40kms/h, while with Maus you can:

  1. track it - Maus will be confused probably
  2. and while he’s looking around you just aim for his turret face

What if the Maus is camping a perfect spot? Easy! Spawn your American jet and bomb the potatoes out of it! Isn’t it fun? (or flank it in one of ur rat tanks ofc)

Don’t constantly aim your turret at the enemy then.
Go in angled, you’re not forced to go in straight.

And your post claiming Maus is OP when angling won’t change the facts.

Also bombs and heavy tanks are as consistent as the shell of a coconut.

We will agree to disagree @AlvisWisla

But then, why shouldn’t Maus be obtainable normally? I bet most of the people that voted no, voted unfairly because they wouldn’t want to deal with it, while its very easy to deal with and its just undeniable at this point in time having 20+ vehicles that can counter it very effectively. So why should Maus be excluded?

The German TT has seen its flag ship Tiger 105 removed unfairly, Maus again removed because of Gaijin’s faults and miscalculations while other nations have very decent lineups and vehicles, Americans literally have 350mm+ of pen with HEAT, which shouldn’t even happen at such low BRs and with vehicles that are not needed at their BRs in order for the US TT to perform while they are allowed to bully everyone else

There’s many planes with multiple 500kg bombs, and 1 500kg bomb can destroy both Maus’ tracks and barrels and thats basically a death sentence for a vehicle like it and this kind of thing will continue to happen even at 7.0 in the lowest of downtiers, while also there might be a chance of just outright destroying it with one bomb.