The A10A late and early should share a BR in GRB


The air to ground weaponry of the A10AE is arguably more capable than the A10AL. 65Bs have higher zoom and resolution, while it also gets GBUs.

Both of which the A10AL doesn’t have access to. The AGM 65D is, at least in War Thunder, a sidegrade to the B, if not a downside. The only advantage the D has is that it can be used at night, which can be negated by simply not queing for night battles.

2 AIM-9Ls aren’t enough of a difference to warrant a .3 higher BR in ground battles, especially if the lower BR’d vehicle gets a substantially better air to ground loadout.

You want the A-10 early to move up to 10.7? Alright, make the suggestion next BR updates.

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The D is IR and can thus get a lock at far greater ranges than the B which is TV.
The D also maintains lock way better as TV guided ordinance is notorious for loosing its lock if the target moves.

other than that i have no opinion on the BR’s of the planes as i have played neither.

Both missiles use the same distances for targeting and tracking tanks as far as I know.

Meaning that beyond 3000m every lock is a ground lock that doesn’t follow the locked tank.

They don’t (or at least shouldn’t), the B can get a good lock at like 6-8km while the D can get the same level of lock at like 12-14km (a little unsure of the exact distances, but somewhere around those numbers).

the D shouldn’t be able to lock ground, its IR. if it locks ground then that sounds like a bug.

Your ranges are pretty spot on.

I believe it does. Pretty sure the IR and TV tracking are treated the same in-game. Only changing the lock range and fliping a “can lock at night” switch.

well that sucks. in my opinion it should work like the Litening pod currently does when it tries to lock.

I just tested the G version (i believe it has the same seeker as the D?) and a Litening pod.
A non moving target can be easily locked and hit at around 16-18km with a Litening targeting pod.