The 1128 needs to be nerfed

it has a gun that oneshots all top tanks frontaly regardless of armor and is 10.3, this is the definition of pay2win.

I remember when ragebait used to be well thought out and actually funny

The M1128, obviously Wolfpack variant, simply put is not overpowered in the slightest. It is a high profile, autoloaded, IFV that can only carry 18 rounds of ammo and has -5° of gun depression. If you’re genuinely dying to them to a point where they feel OP, you have a genuine issue. The Striker is not that good, seeing as literally anything can one shot it quite easily, it is the definition of glass cannon. Add to that the inability to hull down effectively, unlike many Russian tanks, due to having such a high profile. All in all, it only has M900 going for it and that’s not even the most powerful round in that BR range


The Object 292 is a literal BR step above it (10.7) with a 700mm penning round that can also just one shot top tier tanks through their frontal armor. And you can buy it. But I don’t think either needs a nerf. The Stryker has fairly weak armor as its really just a troop carrier with a big ol’ fancy 105mm on top.


It is literally the most situation vehicle at 10.3. It only excels in hull-down positions, which are limited when you consider the horrid gun depression it has.
It lacks ammunition storage (17), mobility (15 hp/ton), armor, reload (7.5s), among other things.

It is strong indeed but def not broken. Also considering M1128 player are mostly moron who play the Wolf pack instead of the tech tree one.It not gonna go anywhere

What an insane take.


The look of a russian main when he finds out that now his tanks are able to be 1 shot directly through their frontal armor


It can get more due to adaptive suspension.

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this HAS to be bait post
its one of the worst tank ever, i regret researching and trying to spade it over grinding the bradley or the abrams first

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If you raise it higher, it will play with Abras that have the same barrel, it is simply pointless. I have not seen in any battle that M1128 had many frags. And even it can not penetrate everything, it does not penetrate most Soviet tanks in the upper glacis or in the turret.

It has a good round and good speed. Thats it. Its not overpowered…

And how many people buying it know about that? This guy is literally only suffering because people know how to use it and he doesn’t know how to counter it. I don’t know how to counter the Tiger II H headon in the Sherman, doesn’t mean the Tiger II H needs to arbitrarily go up in BR

Just wait till you find out it supposed to have a 6.0s realize, not 7.5s.

I do, I use it often in matches to get shots I wouldn’t otherwise be able to make. It’s was an amazing change and one that made me start playing it more often. It’s quite a wonderful new advantage.

When I’d said

I meant that as in the people purchasing it to get into GRB as a whole

I’m honestly glad for the change, as now I can dance with it and it’s good ingame, but it was a change that should’ve happened nmw, seeing as it’s a correct change and they did it for the TT one as well

Just because wallet warriors don’t know how to properly use a vehicle doesn’t mean it should be evaluated based on how the majority plays it. That’s like rationalizing putting the F-20A at 12.0 just because they don’t know how to use radar missiles and base bomb with it (real people I’ve encountered all too often). I get what you’re saying, but the vehicle should be evaluated as it is, not as a inferior player may use it.

AGS I would actually believe lol

Directly calling less skilled players “inferiors” is crazy

The gun depression gained from the hydraulics is something that would only really become more important at longer ranges and the vast majority of players don’t know how to utilise it, but I honestly think the extra degrees of depression is not marginal enough for it to make a really big difference in terms of balancing.
Personally, I still think this post is just a giant “this thing too OP cause I can’t counter it, rais BR nauuuu!!!”
Also, this is rationalized in the one v masses, OP believes the M1128 is too OP because of the round, and recommending use of the exact statistics in it’s balancing is a case of using the 1% of the playerbase who can actually use these vehicles to their maximum extent against the 99% of lower leveled and intermediate players

Is it? They’re worse at the game and play the vehicle worse, as such their capabilities in a vehicle are factually inferior to someone who is more skilled with it and actually understands the capabilities of a vehicle. The vehicle matters for balance, not how some players play it, even if it’s the majority of players.

I agree that its addition didn’t change Tom much about the vehicle. It made it more capable in more situations, but not enough to warrant a BR increase of any kind. I was simply adding to mention of its addition, as it is still noteworthy given it’s a buff of sorts. Heck it even lets you lower the strikers profile a little bit. Quite a nice (and overdue) change. Now we just need some spall liners and a reload buff and we’re good to go ;)

That’s exactly what this post is lol, it’s just a skill issue thread.

Well it’s either make it at a balanced BR and it’s not overpowered, or lower it’s BR and the pros go ham in it. Just because a bunch of wallet warriors get their hands on vehicles doesn’t mean it should have a lower BR to compensate for their lower end skill. Otherwise you’ll have the pros ruining matches with an undertiered monster due to balancing based on the players with worse skill in the vehicle (cough, F-5C in a nutshell, cough).

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I was gonna say F-5C isn’t too big of an issue and then I remembered I am a little bit part of that problem (I’m not great but I have dropped many aces and it carried my F-18 grind)

I’ll be honest, I came back to this having forgotten the argument and interpreted you as for a nerf due to it, and finally with the inferiors, while it is the correct term I just usually see use of it as one elevating their ego, especially if they purposefully play low tier, while I did not see it as that for you I still find it crazy (in a sorta funny way)