Team sizes in Air RB

Currently the team sizes are 6v6 in air RB at top tier. Will this stay the same way when the patch goes live?
I really enjoy playing with the small team sizes, it feels like what you do actually matters.
Another bonus is that you don’t suddenly get blown up after dodging 31 missiles only to not see the 32nd that slipped by.
This is great, I’m having fun. Please keep.


Bro the rewards are so low from the 6v6 matches and they end so quickly, not to mention if the enemy team is just bots half of them die from crashing into the ground cause gaijin cant code ai for shit.

There are no bots in live.
The games end super quickly with 32 players too, so there’s no difference.
The point is one is more FUN than the other.


No difference? Rewards are different, they aren’t going to increase rewards for smaller matches. I can get an ace in 16v16 but in a 6v6 getting an ace is a lot less likely and the amount of kills you will get will decrease and so will your rewards.

The 6v6 matches actually last longer from what I’ve noticed, so you’re actually getting more rewards.
But that aside, I don’t give a shit about the rewards, I want the game to be fun. If the rewards are ACTUALLY too low with fewer players, they can adjust it.
That aside, skill matters more in smaller matches. You’re not owed an ace.


HAH! Adjust it? No, Gaijin will just use this to revert the economy changes they were forced to make by the players. They will not go back on that, if we want smaller matches give us multiple spawns. Also with less players there is less to do in general. It’s generally just flying forever trying to find the enemy on the other side of the map. And the time only matters when you have done anything. But when you’re teammates take every kill and the match was 20 minutes you still get nothing.

I’ll be mad at gaijin when they actually do something bad, not when they could do something bad they haven’t even had the chance to do yet.
I wouldn’t mind Air RB EC but that’s not what we’re talking about right now.
If you don’t have enough to do, I’d recommend attacking things that aren’t players. There’s TONS of things to attack. 2 player kills and 4 NPC planes gave me plenty of rewards on dev.
All your complaints seem to stem from the game not handing you free rewards.
As I said, I don’t care about rewards, I just want to have fun in the game again.

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this is just because of the low player count in dev server. Pretty sure Gaijin could do 6v6 for all eligible players in a live server queue but the hamster is too fat to handle that


Ah, yes, let’s waste missiles on AI and get barely anything in return. You got decent rewards because it’s DEV, 5x RP, and 5x SL. Translate this to the live server, and guess what? You get barely anything. For players who want to, oh, I don’t know, get to top tier, this lack of rewards will make it take even longer than before.

I mean we used to have 16v16 on dev before when fewer people knew about dev, so that doesn’t add up.

during the fox-3 test event dev server it was like that because it was so popular, this one is not afaik

Well maybe you should read my post first then. What I’m talking about is about team sizes AT top tier.
Matches below top tier shouldn’t be affected.

the last two dev server have been 6v6 and it sucks for dev

and the people who are grinding other top tier vehicles with top tier vehicles?

well you can disable the smaller matches option to get 16v16 even though it will be bots mostly still

thats not how it works, its only 6v6 that button is already off

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You really need to stop whining about rewards, you haven’t had a single constructive comment so far.
If the game is more fun rewards will be secondary, as it should be.

and all you said is you want smaller battles, then just use the smaller battles in live server

6v6 battles don’t exist on the live server. Smaller battles on live are 12v12 at best.

read the button for smaller battles again, sorry that they don’t deliver on their promises.