Target tracking not working

Posting this here to try and get some attention on the issue. Target tracking is completely broken when trying to use it on aircraft. You can select the aircraft, but when you try to use target tracking, it de-selects the aircraft. Before the most recent patch, it would take several attempts but you could eventually achieve a lock, but now you can’t achieve a lock at all. I tried multiple times before I finally just gave up. I made a bug report, as have several others, but they are getting no attention with the exception of one report where the individual was told that it was a problem with the Radar/IRST and the problem had been fixed. I want to be clear here, the problem is NOT related radar equipped vehicles. ALL ground vehicles are affected by this issue regardless of class, rank, or BR. Again, target tracking still works when targeting ground vehicles, but it does not work against aircraft. I understand that the devs have a lot to do and can’t necessarily action onto everything right away, but this has been going on for well over a month and has gotten worse. Some attention towards this issue, or an explanation to the change if it was intentional, would be very much appreciated.


I have had the same problem as you exactly how you described it and am glad to finally have found someone, hope this gets a response. I will also make a bug report.