Tank Football 2025!

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Start your engines, call your friends — tank football is back in War Thunder for 2025!

To help you remember how to jump and dash, warm up and prepare for matches properly, training events are available for you from February 25th (11:00 GMT) until February 27th (10:45 GMT). In these training events, achievement progression is not available.

From February 27th (11:00 GMT) until March 17th (05:00 GMT), daily football matches are available at the following times: from 11:00-14:00 GMT, 16:00-22:00 GMT and 00:00-05:00 GMT.

Join other players in a 3v3 event (for solo players), or gather a team together and show off your skills and tactics in a 4v4 event (for squads).

Football themed rewards!

For each goal, assist or save, you’ll receive achievement progression points. The event rewards are given for a certain number of points earned during matches in the “Tank Football” events.

For 20 points

“Team Tigers” decal

For 50 points

“Tank Football — Watch the ball!” profile background

For 100 points

“Tank Football — What a kick!” loading screen

For 200 points

“Tank Football — Goalkeeper” profile frame

For 300 points

Coupon for the “Dragons” or “Tigers” Team decal

For 400 points

Coupon for a random football camouflage for the M551

For 500 points

Coupon for one of the golden decorations: Ball, Boot or Glove

The top 50 players on the leaderboard of every event will be granted with in-game titles:

  • Top goalscorer — “Best striker 2025
  • Top assist score — “Best winger 2025
  • Top save score — “Best goalkeeper 2025

Event details

  • You can see the exact conditions for each task and track your progress by clicking on your nickname and going to the Achievements → Tank Football menu.
  • The coupons for the “Dragons” and “Tigers” decal, “M551 Football Camo” coupons and “Golden Football Decoration” coupons can be sold on the Gaijin Market.
  • PlayStation and Xbox players can exchange each coupon for 100 Warbonds.
  • Reward titles will be given to the top 50 players in each category until March 24th.

Match rules

  • Each match consists of two halves of 5 minutes each. As with mini-football, only pure playing time is taken into account.
  • If the result is a draw, players receive an additional 2 halves of 1.5 minutes each. If at the end of two halves and extra time it’s still a draw on the scoreboard, victory is not awarded to any team.
  • To win early in a 3 vs 3 match, you must get a 3 goal advantage.
  • To win early in a 4 vs 4 match, you must get a 5 goal advantage.



But today would be smth else too

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Ballon d’or yippee

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Look forward to this shenanigans again

Do think that the golden boot decoration should have been kept as an award for the top goal scorer though given that’s what it’s given for irl

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That’s it for tonight?

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Probably the worst “fun” gamemode to grind


Nice! i loved this event last time it was active! :D

Does this mean that we can only obtain one of these? or is it one of these per 500 points gained and 1500 points will reward the player all three decorations?
If it’s only one of them, is it given randomly or do we get to choose?

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Would be cool if we could also get the camos for the M551 (76)


Gaijin add emotes so that i can see my M551 scream “SIUUUUUUUUUUM” after hitting the best goal ever


can we get tank biathlon back

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Wøuld rather see a new World War mode again


so how do you get points? @Stona_WT

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It’s in the main post:


ok thanks, but how much you get per action or do we not know yet? (never done the tank football before)

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It doesn’t say and i don’t know if it’s going to be the same as last time and if it is i don’t remember the scoring it was then x) You’ll probably be able to find a vide from last time this was live and check there, but again, it might not be the same :)


ok thanks


One of them, it’s random coupon.


are the skins random as well?

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As mentioned in article:

Coupon for a random football camouflage for the M551

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