TAM 2C Reload Buff needed (No Armour, Faces vehicles with much better reload)

The TAM family is very good in general, but not at 10.3… While facing 11.3 11.0 10.7, the reload is just not it… 7.7s full crew is terrible… every other tank at this br has 7.1s minimum… and it faces premium tanks like t80ud and the new event t80 with 6.5s reload… While sporting much much less armour… In fact you can .50cal it from the side…

A 5s ace reload or even a 5s expert reload is needed…

As far as I am aware the m1128 sits at same br and still has better reload rate… while having a round like m900…

If the br goes up to 10.7 as a result of a better reload rate so be it… atleast it can fight on equal grounds

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It really doesn’t, its already in an excellent spot at the moment.


not really… how is it at a good spot?
fighting much better tanks with better armour and rounds at same br or just 0.3 above

Its an exceptional light tank

yes tam series is a family of exceptional light tanks but at a certain br… definitely not at 10.3/11.3… at this br armour is needed… the same reason the click bait and abrams is bad at this br

Never understood the strength of this light tank, by right it should have a weapon that is stronger than other mbts in its respective br, isn’t this thing only carry DM63 which is an ammunition available as early as 9.3 mbts? almost look underpowered for a light tank, gun handling isn’t great especially the depression due to how tall it is, the Magach Gal at 9.3 also has LWS, like what makes TAM 2C a 10.3

At 10.3, where it is.

ya same I wonder… and the mobility is the same as the leo2a4 abrams ariete mbt2000 amx40 leo2k… while having no armour

bro have you spaded it? or even played 20matches in it recently?

also cv90105 is a premium at same br with 5s reload


I use it at 12.0 as well.

damn respect… But I don’t find the mobility or firepower decent… at 10.3 nonetheless at top tier…

But respect man brave soldier

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Obviously bvvd directly applies the same data for all 105 guns …TAM2C definitely doesn’t fit in 10.3, there’s no difference between a dm63 and a dm33 for a light tank that has exactly 9.0 chassis performance.
Either switch the rank of TAM2C and TAM2IP or add additional armor mods to TAM2C

No, if you rely in armor at the highest BR you are the issue, not the tank

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The problem for me is the only comparable lt at that br is the 2s25m. Which has two degrees less gun depression, worse reverse. But instead gets a massive penetration advantage with 3bm60, giving it a whopping 150mm more flat pen and tandem atgm. All while having the same reload as a expert crewed TAM2C.

And the 2s25m is one br step lower then the TAM in all modes. That needs to be looked at.

Most other lights are either wheeled with autoloader some also with dm63(MGS, PATRIA), others like cv90105 have dm33.

Al these have pros and cons, huge profile or a worse round. The 2s25m is tracked, had good mobility, actual reverse compared to other ussr vehicles, constant 7.1 sec reload, with deadly munition choices, so why placed so low compared to the TAM2C?

Should the TAM receive a reload buff, always welcome but not needed, better to look at competitors near is br, which do require a raise in my opinion.

I have just stopped playing war thunder at this point honetly due to the lack of decompression at top tier with 2s25m with 3bm60 at 10.0 and also just a lack of ground stuff… Like we have been getting ir update after air update for 1 year with no notable additions in ground… Like no reason to play war thunder anymore for me as a ground rb main… Maybe it is time for another boycott… idk… Sad to see war thunder ground in this state