While it would be absolutely hilarious to have in game, I dont really see how this vehicle can be balanced, as 155/152 spg are already a pain in the ass to be properly balanced.
I wanna say 5.0 - 6.0. Even if it lack maneuverability, depression, and anything outside of HE, it’s still about as big as some BB’s main guns. Overall, it would probably play as a worse FV4005, and that is 6.3 so no higher then that.
a true “f*ck you” gun, would make an amazing meme premium, even with the reload
Lmao, I can already see the 5 year olds complain about people revenge killing them with this XD
Why are we not funding this!?
+1 This thing is awesome!
bro right? I want an omega doom cannon.
Gaijin, please give! This, the Geschützwagen Tiger for Germany and the S-51 for the USSR would be great to see. (And anything with a huge gun, really).
Big +1 from me, I’d love to see the T92 added. And with the new ammo box mechanic, ammunition capacity wouldn’t be as much of a problem.
Absoluetly +1, would be an amazing tank destroyer xd
Honestly I’ve kinda changed my mind, I’d much rather see the T93. Still massive fun but then at least we could see 30-40s ace reload
I say let’s have both! Most of the model can be copy-pasted, after all.
If we had to have one and only one, I’d pick the T92. It’s more iconic, it has a more unique calibre (we can always get the M43, M55 and M110 with their 203 mm howitzers) and its reload can be adjusted for balance, Sturmtiger style. But again, both would be nice.
its not the famous artillery?
i dont remember its name, m-110
+1 from me, I need this! It would be peak glass cannon, but it doesn’t matter when you have 9 inches of pure pain for the guy on the receiving end!
25 years from now they might add this vehicle after they finished adding copy and pastes lol
So true.
+1 Always wanted to see how a literal battleship-sized shell from an SPG would do when against tanks in the kill cam.
hey, tier X arty!
When are we getting Bat.Chat-155 ?
doubt GW Tiger existed
holy crap I don’t doubt no more