T88 HMC, Hellcat with 105mm and stabilizer

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caid’s suggestion #140

I would like to suggest a tank that would be quite interesting to play, the T88 HMC

The T88 HMC can be quickly described as a howitzer version of the M18 Hellcat. there is little difference between the tow vehicles. based on the M18 hellcat, saw the 76mm sight replaced by the 105mm T12 howitzer and new sight. all the rest of the tank was unchanged, save for the ammo rack of course. this tank was built in December 1944 and was purposed to offer high mobility fire support on the battlefield. the M18 chassis was chosen. the Hellcat has been of course a tank renowned for having exceptional mobility. the vehicle was aiming to replace the M7 Priest. while the fully rotative turret and higher mobility make it an obvious improvement, the test needed to prove the improvement worth the money. the only real thing the T88 could do over the M7 was the amphibious assault. the M18 can strap a floating kit in the front and back of the tank to make it amphibious. the T88 designed with this knowledge was fitted with a fire-control system and a stabilizer to allow it to fire while floating. the end of WW2 and the large number of M7 priest led to the cancellation of this tank because it was considered as unneeded expend. it remained the tank was a pretty good tank and the test was successful. two prototypes were built and one is preserved up to this day at Fort Lee Virginia. both T88 are different from each other. the T88E1 which is the second prototype has a slightly lighter 105mm T51 with a concentric recoil mechanism. the difference is mainly spot there which does not make it enough in my opinion to have both of them worth being added.

the 105 mm T12 howitzer is a modified M4 howitzer adapted for less recoil (probably to be used on the aircraft) the gun fires all the standard 105mm from the M4 gun. there is no indication the gun has a faster reload or different velocity. outside the HE, HEAT, and Smoke rounds, the tank could also have access to experimental rounds tested in September and October 1944. notably an APHE and APDS-HE which would not be groundbreaking for the gun but just allow a more conventional usage at medium range. the APHE has a velocity of 588 m/sec which makes it just slower than the 75mm, carries 5 times more explosives, and has a penetration of around 80mm at combat distance. while the APDS have a velocity of 853 m/sec, carry half the explosive, and have a penetration around 110 mm at combat distance. those two rounds will give the tank a more conventional use. the only difference would be the reload will be relatively slow. 16 rounds are carried in the turret for the 105mm, and a total of 40 rounds are carried. the gun features a vertical stabilizer to allow it to fire on the move which would make it an extremely effective tank. a 12.7mm M2HB is placed on the roof at the front of the tank and can act as coaxial. the elevation offers -10° to +35° which is quite comfortable for most situations. it can also turn on 360° at a speed of 24°/sec.

the tank mobility is going to be pretty exceptional. the tank is fairly light with about 17,2 tons (19 US tons). the engine is the supercharged R975-C4 who provide 400 hp at 2600 rpm. this is the same engine initially used on the M18 Hellcat but was later replaced by the R975-C1 engine for production. this gives the T88 a bit less power and mobility but it remains very fast. the top speed reaching 72 km/h will give this tank very nice mobility and allow it to just sneak and flank the enemy with ease. the transmission is the same as the M18 with 3 forward speeds and one reverse paired with a torque converter. this will give a smooth acceleration and high reverse speed as well. this is perfect to annoy the unaware enemy

the T88 has the same paper-thin protection as the M18. With about 12.7mm of armor all around, it will only protect against LMG fire. the turret is open top which makes it vulnerable to aircraft. the tank is an average size which gives it a chance to hide but it would not be so hard to see it. the crew of 5 men is placed a bit differently than the M18. naturally 2 men are in the hull. but the gunner and loader are inverted due to the fire-control system. The player who is used to aiming for the gunner will instantly get the Loader, commander, and ammo rack. which is probably worse… 18 rounds are placed on the left side of the turret which makes it easy to get the ammo to explode. the gunner is on the right side of the turret and pretty much alone there. outside the mobility, the tank does not have much to help it survive.


Tank data, Aberdeen proving ground series

For the T28 APDS-HE experimental rounds

ID:0060923 04/Sep/2017 APDS-HE for 105mm on the M4(105) - Documented Bug Reports - Windows - War Thunder - Official Forum

For the T24E1 APBC-HE experimental round

Fwd: Nov/29/2017 105 mm T24E1 APBC-HE - Documented Bug Reports - Windows - War Thunder - Official Forum

thanks to sirchby and @MiseryIndex556 to provide with reliable information about the additional round through their bug repport


Purely for the comedic value this would bring into battles.



This would be fun just on its own, but the experimental ammo turns it up to 11! +1


yes, the experimental ammo will indeed make this vehicle quite interesting to play. it will deliver more punch than the M24 in certain circumstances and while having less punch, it will be easier to play than the M18 especially in offense while keeping the same awesome mobility. only the long reload is his downside. and also I think the 12.7mm on the roof can’t turn all the way to the rear.

the fact it had a stabilizer is a detail that many have overlooked about this tank and it makes the whole difference. with the experimental ammunition, it can actually be interesting to play


This thing looks very cute


+1 event or premium vehicle

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having it as a premium for Golden Eagle would surely be a good seller. it could also be interesting to have it in the Warbound once in a while.


Since @CaID cannot access the forum at the moment, he has asked me to share the documents he provided regarding the T88 Hellcat. He also wanted to point out that the combat weight listed is incorrect.

The stated weight of 17.2 tons is not correct. There are no reliable sources that confirm the T88 weighed 17.2 tons.

According to the “Preliminary Report of Test of 105 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage, T88”, he has provided it to me, the following details are provided regarding the weight:

b. The unstowed T88 and M18 were weighed prior to addition of full stowage loads at 35,700 lbs and 36,370 lbs, respectively. For test operation T88 was loaded 38,500 lbs.

This means the unstowed weight of the T88 (without the ammunition rack installed during the trial) is 16.19 metric tons. (For reference, the M18’s unstowed weight is 16.5 metric tons, though this is not directly relevant.) And the stowed weight (including the ammunition rack and possibly additional equipment) is 17.46 metric tons. However, this stowed weight may have been intentionally increased to a great extent as part of stress testing.

CaID has asked me to share the link to the documents referenced for this correction. Below is the Imgur link to the documents:

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