Gets taken down by heat-fs atgm or early sabot. Firepower is adequate to a t26-e1-1 but much slower reload rate. Armor is good but again heatfs atgm early sabot can pretty much kills it. I’d say it need a BR change for t32 to 7.0 and e1 to 7.3. Lemme know what you think
T32E1 has better armor coverage than Maus while having similar firepower.
It’s fine at 7.7.
If you’re in uptiers, best play more cautiously.
I dont think it has similar firepower, its generally just a super pershing gun and mediocre reload time due to it being 2 piece ammunition also isnt it suppose to have slightly better firepower than the super pershing because it suppose to have slightly more he filler and velocity? Its just copy and paste from the sp
I dont see why shouldnt it move 0.4 down since its generally more useful.
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It also has a crippling weak spot above the turret. If you look at it in armor analysis, at the top of the tank there is a 25.4mm sloped plate that pretty much anything can pen.
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