T29 from Br 7.0 to 6.7

A Tiger ll is an easy one shot, weak from the side or any angle that isn’t direct front.
T29 has way more armor, way more survivable and extremely difficult to kill in comparison.


Man, this thread has had a lot of bad takes.

LITERALLY EVERY TANK is weak from the side or angle that ‘isn’t direct front’. The T29 isn’t an exception. Every tank from 5.0 up is going to pen the side of a T29. Tiger 2 hull is far stronger than the T29 from every angle. From under 500m a IS2 can pen a T29 ufp.

The T29 has exceptional turret armor where even from the side some things cannot pen it, opposed to the Tiger ll which not only has light armor, also stores ammo in the turret for a one shot.

The T29 has crew separation with an additional crew member, it’s very difficult to kill it as you either take out the driver or the gunner, which means either it drives away or it returns fire… all you have to do is try and protect the hull and it’s an insane vehicle.

The Tiger ll is only dangerous from the front and only to things with less than 185mm of pen.

The ring around the base is 154mm. The very top is 40mm and i’ve had quite a lot of instances of internal ricoshets or APHE detonations taking out half my turret from a round that a heavy tank should be resistant to.

Neither T29 nor Tiger 2 are immune to any rounds at 6.7. However, the tiger 2 has much better stats in every other category. The T29 chassis tanks have… mantlet armor. and thats it. Considering how infrequently thats actually saved me when playing, i’ll take the better soft stats. Also, playing germany means you get to play against all the underpowered US tanks with their shitting guns, so your armor counts for more. M26 vs tiger 2h is such a joke.

Ah yes, the tank that is dangerous… from the side. wtf are you on man.

T29 side turret is 150mm. So that protects you from… nothing. Literally, there isn’t a 6.0 tank that can’t pen you from the side turret. Tiger 2H has 86mm so its already immune to 40mm AA.

Both T29 and Tiger 2 have 2 crew in hull. T29 first order ammo rack is in the turret on both sides.

What are angles

Not being an easy one shot from the side is a massive advantage and helps a lot with survivability, a side shot likely takes out 2 out of 6 because of the crew separation and massive gun breech absorbing the shot.

The thing has been undertiered for years, it finally took massive decompression and it still came away pretty good with all the changes.

It was broken at 6.7 now it’s just amazing at 7.0

it was broken in an era when HESH was just nerfed, cheatfs took the biggest nerf it ever took, and cap-and-fly was still the US’s biggest advantage over its opposition. So you ended up with a whole team of heavies pushing, trading 1-1 with most vehicles, then spawning in a F80A with 2x 1000s in the first 5 mins. Thats why it was broken.

Now the F80A is 7.0, heatfs has been propigated down to 6.0 and buffed back to a reasonable state, apds flat pen has been buffed, and cap and fly nerfed somewhat. we dont talk about HESH.

If you shoot the gunner side, you are hitting gunner, loader, commander, and ammo. If you shoot the other side, you are hitting loader, commander, and even more ammo. See the pattern? Those charges going off kills you just as often as a full crew kill. Thats one of the biggest reasons i loved the T32 and hated the T34.

should go to 7.3

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No. 7.0 is honestly perfect where it is.

Later variants of the T29 such as

T29E1 with the Allison V-1710 870 hp engine for slightly better power-to-weight ratio

T29E2 with improved hydraulic turret traverse and gun elevation controls

T29E3 with T31E1 rangefinders and no muzzle brake weak spot in the main tech tree:


Or even the T29 prototype with the planned 1400HP gas turbine engine would maybe then be 7.3-7.7 worthy.



I’d like both of these!