
Would you like to see the T-90MS in-game?
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Welcome to the suggestion for the T-90MS, this is a further development of the T-90 series, designed with export in mind. This can be considered an equivalent of the T-90M currently in-game, and while perhaps not the most pressing addition to the USSR tree, would further add to the top tier lineup.


A T-90S at the Engineering Technologies 2010 forum.

In an effort to compete with modernized T-80s and keep its tank competitive, Uralvagonzavod (shortened to UVZ for the sake of brevity here) initiated research programs into improving the T-90 in the early 2000s. Under the Proryv program, UVZ would upgrade the T-90 with better protection, a better fire control system, and much more. While this program would also lead to the T-90M destined for the Russian Ground Forces, UVZ also wanted to export it. First showcased at the 2011 Russian Arms Expo, the “T-90S Modernized” as it was unofficially called, appeared alongside its predecessor, the T-90S. In due time however, it would gain the more official and recognized name of T-90MS.

It would later show up for international audiences at Eurosatory and the Engineering Technologies Forum in 2012, and at IDEX-13 in Abu Dhabi in 2013, appearing several more times over the next decade both in Russia and abroad. During the early 2010s though, the T-90MS was still in development, as there are small changes visible from appearance to appearance in these years.

The T-90S (left) and T-90MS at the 2011 Russian Arms Expo.

When designing the turret for the Proryv program, UVZ took note of combat experience which showed that the ammunition detonation responsible for T-72, T-80, and T-90 losses were often due to ammunition stowed around the hull, and not usually the ammunition found in the autoloader. UVZ ended up taking this ammunition out of the hull and putting it in an ammunition rack at the back of the turret, including a blowout panel in the event this area was hit. This not only made the tank safer, but also freed up space in the fighting compartment. Ammunition for the T-90MS remains similar to the original T-90, and allows it to fire newer 3BM59 and 3BM60 kinetic energy projectiles developed around the same time as the T-90M and T-90MS.

The gun remained the same, the 2A46M-5, but the T-90MS is more capable of engaging targets due to its Kalina Fire Control System, which incorporates the Sosna-U gunner’s sight, as well as a new 360° commander’s thermal sight dubbed Hawkeye. Aiding in gunnery as well is a variant of the new 2E58 stabilizer, reducing power consumption by 10 to 15 times, improve fire safety, and reduce the cost of maintenance.

Visually, the T-90MS is very distinct from previous T-90s, due to the new turret and addition of 4S23 ‘Relikt’ and 4S24 ‘Karkas’ ERA. According to NII Stali, this ERA reduces the effectiveness of HEAT by 2.0, and APFSDS by 1.6. While its HEAT protection is similar to the Kontakt-5 on older T-90s, Relikt has fewer gaps for rounds to get through. In addition to new ERA, the T-90MS also features slat armor at the rear of the turret and hull. All of this new protection adds on about 1.5 tons to the tank, however UVZ compensated for this by putting a new 1,130 hp V-92S2F diesel engine in, which actually increased the vehicle’s top speed slightly.

Since its first showcase in 2011, the T-90MS has seen interest from a few countries, with the most notable being Egypt and Kuwait, the latter of whom postponed their purchase in 2019. As previously mentioned, the Russian Ground Forces took interest in the Proryv program, and adopted a similar variant called the T-90M, which differs slightly in systems such as the YeSU TZ Battle Management System. Currently, the status of T-90MS sales to the aforementioned countries of Egypt and Kuwait, but the T-90MS nonetheless provides an excellent modern vehicle on the international market.

The T-90MS at the Army 2016 forum. Photo credit to Vitaly Kuzmin.


  • Crew: 3
  • Mass: 48 t
  • Length (gun forward): 9.6 m
  • Width: 3.8 m
  • Main armament: 125 mm 2A46M-5
  • Main armament ammunition: 40, 22 in autoloader
  • Secondary armament: 1× coaxial 7.62 mm PKTM & 1× 6P49 Kord or 1× 7.62 mm 6P7K RWS
  • Engine: 1,130 hp V-92S2F diesel engine
  • Maximum speed: 65-70 km/h
  • Power-to-weight ratio: 23 hp/t
  • Maximum range: 500 km


The more T-90’s, the better +1


It probably me, but this huge turret rear compartment (last pic) looks ridiculous

I believe this was used by the Vietnamese if I’m not correct?

Vietnam use the standard T-90S. The T-90MS is not in service in any country, but India did try and purchase some a while ago. That’s only just going through, but India is upgrading their T-90S’ to T-90MS standard, instead of buying them outright from Russia.

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It’s another vehicle

So would it be 11.3? is there much of a difference from the T-90M we have, other than less protection on the sides and no heavy machine gun?

It’s pretty close honestly, it could go 11.3 or 11.7 but nothing lower. It likely would receive the Soft ERA on the sides when sold and would essentially be a T-90M and at that point should be 11.7.

What makes it an export vehicle isn’t really going to be seen in-game so it will essentially play as a T-90M.

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For all intents and purposes, yes. I think this should be foldered with the T-90M, and can act as a lineup vehicle. Like I said though, I don’t think this is the most pressing addition needed, but it would be nice to see in the future.

Either way, it would still be cool having it in game!

add indian version to britain so we less hear its players suffering lol

India never adopted it. The closest you’ll get is the T-90 MK-III which uses Explosive Reactive Armor MK-II instead of K-5 and a new extended block of it on the UFP. Several other upgrades are there too.


+1. With optional thermal blanket

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