T-90A back to 10.7 please

T-90A is the only ground vehicle at 11.0 which means its either going to be a backup for your 11.7 lineup or you will have to uptier your 10.7 lineup. 11.0 will regularly see uptiers to 12.0, where the tank can not really compete.
compared to T-80B at 10.7 the T-90A has a better shell and ERA protection while having worse mobility.
This would also help the 10,7 lineup because outside of the two event tanks the T-80B is the only MBT.

I’d say 11.3 is better from my experience fighting it. I’m not completely sure though as I don’t have it. also I guess there is already many Russian 11.3s

Its fine where it is. Tandems nicely with the 10.7s plus 2s6 for a line up.