T-80UM2 moved down to 11.0?


The T-80UM2 was added a few years ago as an event tank. Its current battle rating is 11.3 which is the only tank at the battle rating for the Soviets.

It suffers from poor gun handling like the normal T-80U, no 3BM60 shell and a big weak spot on the turret due to the IR search light which removes the ERA. Most immortally it lacks a thermal sight.

The T-80UM2 does have the DROZAD hard kill active protection, However this is more of a gimmick at this point as it is complete useless against the ever more present Spike atgm. Even against TOW atgm it isn’t the most effective as you have to be looking directly at the missile, unlike other hard kill APS such as the Iron Fist on the Black Night.

Due to having no line-up and the above drawbacks I think a battle rating of 11.0 would be a spot for T-80UM2. This would make it a good pair with the T-90A. The T-80UM2 would be faster making it a better option for aggressive play. while the T-90A with its slower mobility but better shell and thermal sights would be better for defensive play and sniping.

In terms of gameplay it’s the same as a T-80UK, except you have extra protection against guided ammunition at ground level, I don’t think just because it doesn’t have 3BM60 it should go down in BR, actually it should be better than the T-80UK, and still sitting at 0.4 BR lower with the same aspects. 11.3 is a perfect BR for it, as, much other vehicles, it got BR increased, nothing has changed. 11.3 is the new 11.0.

Which is the one in need of a buff, not the obscure event variant which makes up for shortcomings with the APS gimmick

I find it to be a pretty solid tank. The apfsds works well and the movement is decent. Does have bad reverse though.

The aps isnt perfect but it helps when getting targeted by atgms and helis.

in fact, sources state irl that Drozd didn’t even work and it was just a mockup, and we lost such prototype in battle instead of preserving it in a museum. It shlild have been a tech tree reskin with not functional Drozd than some premium or event vehicle, whatever it is, that makes people complain. It’s still useless anyway, just like Merkava Ra’am Sagol’s APS (imo they should implement it in SB at least)