T-80B is genuinely unplayable at 10.7

Currently, the T-80B is 10.7. Last update, it was 10.3. Every single match, it is uptiered to 11.7 or 11.3. Since I have began playing it this morning, I have played 20 matches, and have been uptiered 19 times and gotten 2 kills over the course of said matches. I am still completely stock. There was no reason to so heavily nerf the T-80B as it was completely fine before the battle rating “”“decompression”“”. It needs to be moved back to 10.3, or at least do literally anything to fix the literal constant uptiering that is present in 9.7+.


Every single tank above 9.3, bar a few exceptions, moved up 0.3.

Nothing has changed except that 9.0s no longer have to face 10.0s.

In uptiers it faces nearly the same tanks and in downtiers it faces nearly the same tanks.

If it moves down to 10.3, then all tanks moved in the last BR change also needs to be moved back down to 10.3


but why do uptiers have to happen? i would be fine if it literally just didnt get uptiered, or if it was still at 10.3
and some tanks (such as the Type 90B Fuji) were not increased at all

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Welcome to USSR tech tree, the so biased nation people say.


That’s just how the game works, it isn’t fair but you have to live with it.
Old 10.3 had a blast curb stomping 9.3s for a while, so I guess now it’s their time to get curb stomped in return.


But seriously, try to grind using some of the 10.3 vehicles and forget about anything past 10.3, if you want unique experiences I suggest you going to one of the minor nations.

I’m grinding the entirety of the ground tech tree using a 10.3 premium and then, I’ll finish Japanese which is way better than USSR in terms of less repeating vehicles and better experiences.

I suggest you picking between China, Japan, France or Italy, those got some good vehicles like the Japanese 9.0, Chinese 8.3, French 7.7 and Italian 9.3. USSR you can stop just by the T-80B and T-90A, after that is repeating the same vehicle again but with more armor.

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I dont think USSR is biased per se, however i think most other nations are simply not treated as good as they should be (e.g, USA and the abrams)


Germany and Sweden nowadays on top tier are the best to play in terms of Meta vehicles, USSR comes in fourth place.

Abrams has not much problems, it’s a mobile vehicle, good gun handling and fast reload speed, not to count on what US tech tree can offer in Air,

Things Gaijin should look into is the Italian top tier situation, maybe with the Centauro II 105 and 120 things could be better. French just needs some domestic vehicles to fill the gap between 9.7 and 12.0.

You need to GE 3BM22 or suffer. I mean if the cost is 50% off, do it, saves you a headache. I don’t think gaijin is gonna stop stock HEATFS any time soon.

i swear it was 11.3 before… still idk its dumb the changes havent felt like they’ve done anything but make certain vehicles worse

Pfft. Unplayable? If only that was the truth, which it isn’t. That thing does just fine at 10.7

The current 9.3 still getting curb stomp lol 9 out of 10 matches are facing 10.3s, the downtier frequency yesterday is non-existence, maybe it was a weekend thing.

Kostya, Soviet power is not on the ground my friend, if you wonna be really good in ground rb with the Soviets you cant rely on tanks. By in large tanks are some what of a cannon fodder. You need to call upon the beasts, black shark, alligator and now the platypus to have success. Otherwise you will find yourself in the following situation, excuses my language “Zshopa”.

That goes for other tech trees as well, I found this out the hard way, you cant just rely on tanks.

Thats true, I was also playing alot of 9.3 and all the time I faced 10.3s. However, there is a slight improvement you dont face the 2a4s and especially the most overpowered premium 2a4 at its previous br.10.3.

You still face other fast vehicles but they are not such a burden. If you play the Americans biggest problems you will face are TAMs, fast wheely boys, begleit, 2s38. Begleit, 2s38 and especially Ozelot, Gepard, Strela and Shilka are problematic for aircraft. Otherwise Soviet tanks at 10.3 and below are no big issues. For the Soviets its the fact that they also have to face big air resistance and now with the edition of OSA across the board it will make dropping bombs as I love on tanks even harder.

Biggest issue for Soviet tanks at br.9,3 is mobility and turret rotation.


Of course they’ll still get bullied a bit, but it’s probably much better now than before, since the strongest members of the “bully squad” have been moved up in decompression.

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the biggest problem here is that almost every gam after rank 10 is uptier and it should not be… but lazy BR changes did this.

9.3 Italy lineup is constantly playing against 2S38, Turms, BMP-2M…

If you try to put the only 9.7 SPAA into the lineup and maybe add the VRCC at 9.7 to it, then you’re also constantly uptiered to 10.7.

Not sure why we even bother with BRs at all, the Matchmaker will uptier you anyways.

There is a simple method. Since the T-80B’s maneuverability makes it impossible to reduce its BR, I think we can remove its unhistorical thermal sight and add the same advanced frontal armor as the obj.292 to it. This will significantly improve its survivability against higher-ter tanks and maintain similar combat efficiency by reducing its ability to search enemies, while also making the game more historical. If I remember correctly, the relevant suggestions seemed to have been passed several years ago, but Gaijin did not take any action yet.

Naaah I think if I play 10.3 or 9.7 I should play most of my games at that rank and not be uptired.
Theres reason why some tanks are 9.7 and others are 10.7… like again lazy BRs, until they keep doing this “how much each vehicle earn RP” thsi BRs will always be really bad.
And decompression is again lazy, bad and does nothing but just makes most of your games uptire.