T-80B at 10.7 isn't as bad as people say

I don’t know why people are so mad over the uptier from 10.3 to 10.7
Once you get through the stock grind it’s basically one of the best USSR tanks at that BR, i often get 4 kills with it INCLUDING uptiers, and i am not a good player by any means.
Not only do you get great rounds, but the turret/hull armour is unpenetrable aside from some weakspots to many tanks like the 105 Abramses and the turret can bounce alot of rounds, and lets not forget about the thermals and the ERA package which saves you from many HEAT/ATGM rounds.


Nothing changed at all, except 2A4’s and M1 can’t bully 9.3 vehicle anymore.
But the only T-80B issue is lack of lineup.


It’s fine, it’s just not as handheld and brain off the leopards 2a4s at the same br are. Or basically all Leopard 2s


There is a lineup, the issue is that half of it is event or premium vehicles

Or you have to take 10.3 tanks to 10.7 and face Clickbaits, or use it in a 11.0 lineup

For me, I don’t expect him to change the br, I just hope it can remove the thermal sight in exchange for better frontal protection(like a real T-80BV), which is more important for a vehicle that frequently up-ter.

They still bully T-72bs which are so crappy and painful to play, both could have stayed 10.0 easily…but that would have changed nothing really. 2a4s are just on a different league with their 11.0+ mobility