An experimental T-64BV with a Zaslin Active Protection Suite installed on its sides.
- Basic Description:
- The T-64BV is an upgraded variant of the Soviet-era T-64 main battle tank that was built by the Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau. The T-64 was for it’s time a highly advanced main battle tank and one of the first to use the autoloading carousel mechanism that reduced crew requirements as well as incorporating composite armor. The vehicle was widely produced in multiple different variants, with the Ukrainian military being its prime user of the T-64BV-variant after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. The T-64BV incorporated several key improvements over the original T-64 design, including the addition of Kontact-1 explosive reactive armor (ERA) tiles along the hull and turret to provide enhanced protection against anti-tank weapons. The T-64BV was powered by a 5TDF 6-cylinder multi-fuel engine producing 700 horsepower, giving it good mobility and a top speed of 60 km/h. Armament consisted of a 125mm 2A46M-1 or KBA-3 smoothbore main gun, a KT-7.62mm coaxial machine gun, and a KT-12.7mm anti-aircraft machine gun. Upgrades over the original T-64 also included improved 1A33-1 fire control systems, 2E42 stabilizers, the capacity to fire Gun Launched-Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (GL-ATGM) and night vision optics. Around 600 T-64BVs were produced by Ukraine/Soviet Union between 1984 through 1987, with Ukraine itself being the largest user of the vehicle in modern times.
- The T-64BV would undergo several different upgrade programs to new standards such as the T-64BV zr. 2017 with new thermal sights, Nizh-1M ERA, a new GL-ATGM ‘Kombat’, and more, as well as the T-64BM ‘Bulat’ with its own revolutionary changes. One upgrade program however, was installed on a basic T-64BV in the early 2010’s to test the capacity of the Ukrainian Defense Industry’s ability to produce modern Hard-kill Active Protection Systems for combating modern day problems. This system would be known as the Zaslin Active Protection System, also erroneously known as Zaslon. The Zaslin is a unique APS that continuously emits at a distance of around 2.0-2.5m from the module and reacts as quickly as 0.001-0.005 seconds to target an incoming projectile before launching its own. It was designed to destroy or slow ATGM’s, RPG’s, APFSDS-T rounds and HEAT-shaped rounds. The module has an azimuth angle of 150 degrees and an elevation angle of 150 degrees, allowing it a wide range of capacity of targeting incoming munitions. Up to 8 of these modules can be installed on a vehicle however, on this experimental T-64BV, only two modules were installed, one on each center side on the hull, underneath the turret. Additional modules can be installed on the top of the turret facing upward, and on the front and rear of the vehicle. The system was tested but did not go into mass production with Ukrainian military, with only a few vehicles such as the BTR-70DI receiving two modules and trials of the BMP-2 using the Zaslin-L system, a light version dedicated to lightly armored vehicles. There was discussion on mounting the system on the renown BM Oplot but nothing is known about this endeavor. The Zaslin system in the form of the Zaslin-L however, would go in wide usage within the Turkish armed forces as seen on the upgraded M60T main battle tank. This system would be known as the Pulat APS.
- Special thanks to @HIMARS_Enjoyer for his help in the suggestion.
- Specifications:
- Role: Main Battle Tank
- Origin:
- Ukraine
- Armament:
- Primary: 125mm 2A46M-1/KBA-3 Smoothbore Gun
- Ammunition:
- Feed System:
- 28rd-autoloader, 36rds total.
- Ammunition:
- Coaxial: KT-7.62mm Machine Gun (1,250rds)
- Roof-mounted: KT-12.7mm Machine Gun (300rds)
- Primary: 125mm 2A46M-1/KBA-3 Smoothbore Gun
- Dimensions:
- Length: 9.225m (gun forward)
- Width: 3.415m
- Height: 2.170m
- Weight: 42.66t
- Increase from 42.4t due to Zaslin APS installation.
- Mobility:
- Engine: 700hp 5TDF Turbocharged Diesel Engine
- Max Speed: 60km/h
- Transmission: Manual (7-Forward, 1-Reverse)
- Suspension: Torsion Bar
- Crew:
- Commander
- Gunner
- Driver
- Features:
- Laser Rangefinder
- Entrenching Blade
- Countermeasures/Additional Armor:
- Kontact-1 Explosive Reactive Armor
- 8x 81mm 902B ‘Tucha’ Smoke Grenade Launchers
- Zaslin Active Protection System (2x Systems)
- Optics:
- Gunner: TPN1-49-23 (Night Vision Device)
- Commander: TKN-3V (Night Vision Device)
- Driver: TNPO (Day Sight)
- In-game :
- This T-64BV would play exactly the same as the in-game T-64BV however, it would feature incredible side protection from ATGM’s, Chemical Energy Rounds, and limited protection from large Sub-Caliber (Kinetic Energy) rounds due to the active protection system. It is worth noting, the vehicle only has two rounds for its APS per side so players should take a detonated APS as a warning they are being targeted. Due to the uniqueness of this vehicle, it should come to the game as an event vehicle.
- Estimated Battle Rating: 10.0
- Sources:
- https://armyrecognition.com/military-products/army/main-battle-tanks/main-battle-tanks/t-64bv-russia-uk
- ODIN - OE Data Integration Network
- T-64 | MilitaryLand.net
- Army Guide
- The Russian T-64 Tank - TankNutDave.com
- T-64BV - RecoMonkey
- T-64 Main Battle Tank (1963)
- Комплекс активной защиты (КАЗ) «Заслон»
- Новые разработки активной защиты для БМП-2 и Т-64БВ - Andrei-bt — LiveJournal
- https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC_0000498140.pdf
- The T-64, T-72, T-80 APU in the Donbass can install the Turkish KAZ Pulat - ВПК.name
- About: Zaslin Active Protection System
- СТАЛЬ И ОГОНЬ: СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВНЫЕ ТАНКИ: Комплекс активной защиты (КАЗ) «Заслон» на Т-64БВ
- Why Turkey Chose Ukraine's Zaslon APS To Protect Its Tanks | The National Interest
- Active protection systems: an overview
- Army Guide
- https://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htarm/articles/20211115.aspx#gsc.tab=0

Two different views of the vehicle, showing the system installed on the left side of the image.
Closeup of the Zaslin System installed on a T-64BV.

Views of the Zaslin Module.

The projectile of the system.

The system operating against an armor piercing round from a BK-18M tank gun with the round being neutralized.

The system detecting an inbound RPG and 30mm round wit the system only responding to the incoming RPG.

A view of the system in operation.

Cutout of the Zaslin Module’s workings.
1.) Control and Management System
2.) Target Detection Sensor/RADAR
3.) Target Destruction System
8.) Ammunition with Striking Elements
10.) Electric Motor
11.) Gearbox
12.) Retractable Device
14.) Armored Hull
15.) Sides of Armored Hull
18.) Mode Switch
19.) Power Supply Unit
20.) Electrical Wiring
24.) Openings for Retractable Block w/ RADAR and prepared Ammunition
25.) Handles

A 3BM22 APFSDS-T round impacting a steel plate that was protected by Zaslin, with no penetration of the armor.

Remnants of anti-tank grenades after being detonated by Zaslin.

An old comparison chart of Arena, Drozd, and Zaslin APS systems.
Video description of the Zaslin system.

A view of what the BM Oplot would look like with the system mounted.

Views of the T-64BV main battle tank.
Video of the T-64BV’s autoloader in operation.

The 5TDF Diesel engine found in the T-64BV.

The Kombat GL-ATGM developed by Ukraine.
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