T-64 115mm

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Hello everybody!
Greetings from Brazil!
I didn’t find any suggestions for this tank, so I thought I’d open this topic to discuss it, and who knows, maybe someone will decide to make the suggestion.
The T-64 with 115mm armament has basically two versions.

The prototype version, called Object 432, which in my opinion makes more sense than the Object 435 we already have in the game.

And there’s the T-64r, which is basically the same T-64A that you already have in the game, but with a 115mm cannon.

I think it would be a very interesting 9.0


You should start posting these in the actual suggestions tab, you’d likely get far more attention that way


I tried several times, but my topics were not approved.

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If they aren’t approved you can request a mod to send you a copy of your post and ask for advice on what to improve, I’ve had to go through several iterations of my own posts too at times

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It’s shocking we don’t have the T-64 already. Quite good addition for 9.0, though compression around that BR would make it an absolute menace.


T-64 (Object 432) has autoloader and three man crew.
115 mm gun with 30 rounds autoloader (that in future will be modified to be 28 round 125 autoloader)
This source even mentions book:
(Том 3. Отечественные бронированные машины. 1946-1965 гг.- М.: ООО «Издательство “Цейхгауз”», 2010. - page 672 .: ил. )
Object 432 T-64
Inside photos.

Hell even in topic photos you can see the information tab mention having a crew of 3.


Do you have more information about the T-64R?
I only know that they were versions of the T-64A that were rearmed with 115mm armament.

T-64R is just T-64 that saw major renovation, with installing new radios, etc. So its just internals which dont really matter in WT. Its same armour, same gun, just better radio, some internals, also another engine deck roof.
Armour of turret might be different but I think im just reading smth wrong.
Only newest T-64s were upgraded to T-64R variant, other were decomissioned.

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So the production line T-64 with 115mm armament doesn’t have its own nomenclature?

T-64 started as 115mm version, it’s it’s actual nomenclature, T-64R simply didnt have it swapped, T-64A was the first T-64 to have 125mm gun, its simply that people really do forget original T-64 started with 115mm gun or just refer to T-64A or later as simply T-64.


The initial production variant of Soviet post-war vehicles don’t have a letter suffix. We just happen to not have any in the game at the moment. “A” models of Soviet vehicles are (usually) the second production variant.
This is made more confusing because many western sources on WWII tanks use the German naming convention for Soviet vehicles, which uses “A” to denote the first model.
So TLDR the first production model of the T-64, equipped with a 115mm cannon, is just named the T-64.

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The most significant external difference I noticed from the Object 432 prototype to the T-64 115 is the driver’s window.

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T-64 115mm the first MBT of the second generation!

Hello everyone, greetings from Brazil!
And forgive me for any grammatical errors, but I use the translator.
I didn’t find any suggestions for this tank, so I thought I’d open this topic to discuss it.
Due to the introduction of the T-64A here in the game, the first T-64 was a little forgotten, but I believe it would be a great 9.0

Different angles of the T-64

This is basically a T-64A but with a smaller weapon.

And its prototype, which was called Object 432, and which, in my humble opinion, makes more sense than the Object 435 we have in the game.

Object 432


T-64 (Object 432) has autoloader and three man crew.
115 mm gun with 30 rounds autoloader (that in future will be modified to be 28 round 125 autoloader)
This source even mentions book:
(Том 3. Отечественные бронированные машины. 1946-1965 гг.- М.: ООО «Издательство “Цейхгауз”», 2010. - page 672 .: ил. )

Object 432

The gun fitted on this new tank was a powerful 115 mm D-68 (2A21). This was a potentially risky decision to replace the human loader by an electro-hydraulic automatic system, since the technology was new to Russian designers. The crew was reduced to three, which allowed a considerable reduction in internal volume and external visible silhouette, and consequently in weight, from 36 tonnes (obyekt 430) to 30.5 tonnes. The height dropped by 76 mm.

However, the arrival of the British [105 mm L7 gun] and the US M68 variant of it, fitted to the Centurion and M60 tanks, forced the team to undertake another audacious première, with the adoption of composite armour. The recently created process was called “K combination” by Western armies: this protection consisted of an aluminium alloy layer between two high strength steel layers. As a consequence, the weight of the prototype rose eventually to 34 tonnes. But, as the engine was now a 700 hp (515 kW) 5TDF (also locally designed), its mobility remained excellent, far superior to that of the T-62. The obyekt 432 was ready in September 1962 and production started in October 1963 in the Kharkiv plant. On 30 December 1966, it entered service as the T-64.

I count on your support for this suggestion!