T-25 Universal

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T-25 Universal



The Indústria Aeronáutica Neiva Ltda. was founded in Rio de Janeiro on October 12, 1945, by engineer José Carlos de Barros Neiva. Its mission was to meet the demand for replacing Brazil’s glider fleet shortly after the end of World War II. The company’s inception was driven by the need to maintain proficiency in flight training at aeroclubs, as the national glider fleet at the time mainly consisted of German-origin models that had arrived in the country during the 1930s. This government program was known as the “National Aviation Campaign” and aimed to promote the national aeronautical industry. José Carlos de Barros Neiva’s strategy was to develop an aircraft with the same flight characteristics as the German Grunau Baby glider, which was extensively used in Brazil as a two-seater.

The prototype, named Neiva B. Monitor with the registration PP-PCB, made its first flight in late 1945 and received certification in early 1946. In line with the “National Aviation Campaign,” the Brazilian federal government purchased this prototype and an additional twenty aircraft of the same model, which were distributed to various aeroclubs. By the end of the 1950s, a modified version known as the Neiva B “Modified Monitor” was constructed, utilizing alternative materials in place of wood. In the following years, new gliders were developed and introduced to the market.



However, the company gained prominence in 1956 when it acquired the manufacturing rights for the Paulistinha CAP-4 trainer. During this period, the production facility was relocated to the city of Botucatu in the state of São Paulo. In these new facilities, production exceeded 260 aircraft in various enhanced versions, such as the Neiva Paulistinha 56 or Neiva 56.

In the 1960s, in compliance with the “National Defense Industry Strengthening Program,” the company was contracted by the Ministry of Aeronautics (MAer) to develop a light aircraft dedicated to liaison and observation missions, with the goal of replacing old models such as the Piper L-4 Cub and Cessna 305 Bird Dog, then in service with the Brazilian Air Force. This process led to the creation of the U-42 and L-42 Neiva Regente models, representing the first metallic aircraft developed and produced in Brazil.

During the same period, the training and pilot formation process for the Brazilian Air Force at the Aeronautics School (EAer) was based on the Fokker T-21 and North American T-6 Texan aircraft. Despite their robustness and reliability, it became evident that these two models were outdated for training purposes and faced concerns about availability due to a lack of spare parts.

To anticipate the need to replace these aircraft, the Ministry of Aeronautics (MAer) in 1962 defined specifications for the acquisition of a primary training aircraft and an advanced training aircraft, with an urgent incorporation schedule. While a national solution for the primary trainer could have been the Aerotec T-23 Uirapuru, the choice for the advanced trainer leaned toward the American Beechcraft T-34 Mentor. However, updating the fleet with this option would require a significant number of aircraft, which was unfeasible given the budget constraints of the Ministry of Aeronautics (MAer) at that time.

Therefore, a national solution was sought, one that was simpler and more cost-effective, aligning with budget constraints. In this context, the Sociedade Construtora Aeronáutica Neiva was invited to propose the development of a training aircraft. Fortunately, foreseeing market demands and aiming to expand its product portfolio, the company had already been independently developing an aircraft of a similar category.

This in-house project was led by a large team of technicians, including the Hungarian engineer and designer Joseph Kovacks, who had settled in Brazil. This proposal would give rise to the aircraft designated by the manufacturer as the Neiva 621. This aircraft featured elegant lines following the aeronautical design principles established by the Italian designer Stelio Frati. Thus, the first high-performance single-engine Brazilian aircraft destined for mass production was born.

The first prototype of the Neiva N-621, registered as PP-ZTW, completed its maiden flight on April 9, 1966, taking off from São José dos Campos in the interior of São Paulo, under the command of experienced test pilot Brasílico Freire Neto. The new aircraft had a conventional monoplane design with a low wing, single engine, side-by-side seating for two, retractable tricycle landing gear, an 11.00-meter wingspan, 8.60 meters in length, 3.00 meters in height, wing area of 17.20 square meters, an empty weight of 1,150 kg, and a maximum weight of 1,700 kg. It was powered by a Lycoming IO-540-G1A5 piston engine with 290 HP, featuring six horizontally opposed cylinders, running on gasoline and turning a variable-speed three-blade propeller, enabling a theoretical maximum speed of 250 km/h, a climb rate of 300 meters per minute up to a maximum ceiling of 5,000 meters, and a range of 1,150 km. Its spacious cabin made it ideal for advanced training, with side-by-side seating for the pilot and instructor and room for a third crew member in the rear of the cabin. The cabin was covered by a one-piece sliding canopy, providing excellent external visibility.

Initial flight impressions showed positive expectations, with good performance and easy maneuverability, making it extremely suitable for advanced training tasks. After conducting further acceptance and approval flights, the N-621 PP-ZTW prototype was sent to the Aerospace Technical Center (CTA) for an extensive flight testing program.

This program revealed that the aircraft’s performance did not fully meet the specifications set by the Brazilian Air Force due to the low power of the installed engine. The solution proposed by Sociedade Construtora Aeronáutica Neiva Ltda. involved replacing the powerplant with a Lycoming IO-540-K1D5 radial engine with 300 HP, now turning a constant-speed two-blade propeller. The modified prototype underwent the same flight testing cycle again and, as expected, met the necessary parameters, achieving a maximum speed of 275 km/h, a climb rate of 320 meters per minute up to a maximum ceiling of 5,000 meters, and a range of 1,150 km. These results led to its certification by the flight directorate of the Aerospace Technical Center (CTA).

This certification, in December 1967, culminated in a contract between the Ministry of Aeronautics (MAer) and Sociedade Construtora Aeronáutica Neiva Ltda. for the acquisition of one hundred and fifty units of the basic training version.

However, the demand for constructing these aircraft on a predefined schedule exceeded the production capacity of the Botucatu industrial plant, which was already engaged in other contracts, including the Neiva L-42 Regente. The resolution of this problem involved the construction of a second company plant in the city of São José dos Campos, located next to the Aerospace Technical Center (CTA).

Nevertheless, bureaucratic and manufacturing process delays led to numerous setbacks in the initial schedule, resulting in the first series production aircraft being cleared for flight only on April 7, 1971, with only four aircraft delivered to the Brazilian Air Force that year. Efforts to address the engineering process at the new plant led to the production of twenty-nine aircraft in 1972, still an insufficient number to meet the demand, as the urgency of replacing the aging North American T-6D and T-6G Texans became increasingly apparent. This production volume was increased the following year, reaching forty-five aircraft delivered, followed by fifty aircraft in 1974 and fourteen in 1975, ultimately achieving the planned contract goal.

From the initial contract signed in 1967, the Brazilian Air Force received only one hundred and forty aircraft due to budget cuts at the Ministry of Aeronautics (MAer) that occurred during the production process. However, by this time, one hundred and fifty aircraft had already been built, with ten remaining in storage. This situation prompted the company to pursue a commercial initiative in the Latin American defense market in an attempt to resolve the fate of this surplus batch. This initiative proved successful in 1976, with the sale of the ten aircraft to the Chilean government for use in the military aviation of that country. These aircraft were employed in training and liaison missions until the late 1990s.

The third military user of the aircraft was the Paraguayan Air Force (FAP), which acquired a small batch of surplus aircraft from the Brazilian Air Force, supplemented in 1997 by additional cells donated by Chile that had been stored since their retirement from active service in the early 1990s. In 2005, the Brazilian government, as part of a regional international policy effort, donated six Neiva T-25 Universal aircraft to the Bolivian Air Force (FAB) and six to the Paraguayan Air Force (FAP). These aircraft were overhauled by the technical team at the Lagoa Santa Aeronautical Material Park (PAMA LS). Currently, these aircraft remain in active service in these countries.

Utilization in Air Force:


The initial batch of Neiva Universal T-25 aircraft delivered to the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) became operational at the Center for Military Pilot Training (CFPM) in Natal in August 1973. They were integrated into the pilot training and education process. In this organization, primary flight training had been conducted using the new Aerotec T-23 Uirapuru aircraft, recently introduced to replace older Fokker T-21 and T-22 models. Subsequently, intermediate training stages transitioned to the T-25 Universal aircraft, culminating with advanced jet training in American Cessna T-37 aircraft. This series of aircraft provided the Brazilian Air Force with a comprehensive pilot training program, ensuring modern and efficient training at each stage. The T-25 Universal aircraft earned widespread praise from both cadets and instructors.

As part of a broader restructuring effort in August 1974, the Center for Military Pilot Training (CFPM) was officially disbanded. Its personnel and equipment were swiftly transferred to the Air Force Academy (AFA) in Pirassununga, São Paulo. At the AFA, they continued training alongside the 2nd Air Instruction Squadron (2nd EIA), maintaining the same instructional framework established earlier at Natal Air Base (BANT).

The exceptional performance of the T-25 Universal led the Brazilian Air Force to expand its roles further. By the end of 1973, some aircraft were reassigned to the 2nd Liaison and Observation Squadron (2nd ELO), tasked with supporting the Brazilian Navy. This involved replacing older aircraft, such as the North American T-28R-1, T-28A(S), and Pilatus P-3.04. These aircraft had initially belonged to Naval Aviation but were transferred to the Air Force following the January 26, 1965 decree that prohibited the Brazilian Navy from operating fixed-wing aircraft.

Starting in 1974, Neiva T-25 Universal aircraft were employed in the training of second-category reserve officers at the Tactical Applications and Crew Replenishment Center (CATRE) based in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Within this unit, they were assigned to the 2nd Air Instruction Squadron (2nd EIA) and played a crucial role in primary, basic, and advanced flight instruction. In their final year of training, cadets conducted operational pilot training missions, and there was an initial focus on preparing them for armed use of the aircraft. This shift in focus was driven by the need to replace the aging North American AT-6 aircraft, which had been tasked with counterinsurgency missions alongside the Mixed Reconnaissance and Attack Squadrons (EMRA). These squadrons were designed to operate in various capacities, including the use of helicopters and liaison and observation aircraft, effectively creating a versatile Mixed Squadron of Special Air Operations. This transition essentially represented an evolution from the Reconnaissance and Attack Squadrons (ERA).

This change in mission focus had initially been outlined in the contract between Neiva and the Ministry of Aeronautics, which anticipated the modification of twenty Model 621 T-25 aircraft for attack missions. This revamped version incorporated firing systems and a gun sight manufactured by DF Vasconcelos, located in front of the pilot’s position (left seat), as well as four fixed hardpoints under the wings for armament attachment. Configurations included options like two subwing pods with 12.7mm machine guns, four subwing racks for MK.76 bombs, and two pods for launching 37mm and 70mm rockets. The initial units of this armed version, unofficially referred to as the AT-25 Universal, were initially delivered to CATRE. As previously mentioned, CATRE played a crucial role in developing the doctrine for the armed operational use of the aircraft. The results were highly positive, prompting the Brazilian Air Force to consider replacing all remaining North American AT-6D and AT-6G aircraft in the Mixed Reconnaissance and Attack Squadrons (EMRA) in a relatively short timeframe.

While stationed at the Air Force Academy (AFA), the Neiva T-25 Universal continued its role in training cadets for advanced flight training on American Cessna T-37C jets. However, by the second half of the 1970s, concerns began to arise about the operational status of these aircraft. Beyond the high operating and maintenance costs, they experienced recurring issues with the availability of spare parts. This led to a considerable decrease in fleet availability. The situation was further exacerbated by a high number of accidents, involving twenty-one aircraft, which represented a 32.30% loss of the total aircraft acquired in 1968. These factors resulted in reduced productivity and quality within the training process at the Brazilian Air Force Academy (AFA).

In late 1977, the decision was made to retire the Cessna T-37C from pilot training, relocating the remaining aircraft to the São Paulo Aeronautical Material Park (PAMASP) at Campo de Marte in São Paulo. This transition began towards the end of 1980, as these aircraft underwent preparations for potential international sales. Consequently, the Brazilian Air Force temporarily faced a shortage of suitable aircraft for the final stages of pilot training. Nevertheless, this situation gradually improved from 1983 onwards when the first Embraer EM-312 T-27 Tucano aircraft were introduced. Developed domestically since the late 1970s, these aircraft were purpose-built for advanced pilot training, allowing the Neiva aircraft to return to their primary role.

Notably, the Neiva T-25 Universal became the first domestically manufactured aircraft to join the Smoke Squadron (Esquadrilha da Fumaça), leading to the reactivation of this unit, which had ceased operations in 1976 following the retirement of the North American T-6 Texan aircraft. In the early 1980s, a group of instructors from the Air Force Academy, inspired by the idea of reviving the Smoke Squadron, began training and rehearsing a series of aerial demonstrations using Neiva T-25 Universal aircraft. This group, known as “Cometa Branco,” conducted its inaugural performance on July 10, 1980. In total, they performed 54 shows until early 1983, preparing the team for the future arrival of new Embraer aircraft designed specifically for the Air Demonstration Squadron (EDA).

The widespread adoption of the new advanced trainer, the Embraer T-27 Tucano, from 1984 onwards enabled the restructuring of cadet training processes at the Air Force Academy. At that time, frontline units of the Brazilian Air Force were equipped with high-performance aircraft such as the Dassault Mirage IIIE – F-103E and the Northrop F-5E Tiger II. Therefore, there was a need for higher-quality training. As a result, the decision was made to retire the primary training aircraft, the Aerotec T-23 Uirapuru, and replace it with the Neiva T-25 Universal for primary flight training. The Neiva T-25 Universal was now tasked with precision maneuvers, aerobatics, formation flights, and instrument flying, with cadets completing seventy-five hours of flight training in this primary-basic training aircraft during the first semester of the first series and the third series. Following this phase, they underwent an additional one hundred and twenty-five hours of advanced training in the new Embraer T-27 Tucano aircraft.

Since the commencement of their service, all maintenance procedures have been overseen by the Lagoa Santa Aeronautical Material Park (PAMALS) in Minas Gerais. In the mid-1990s, this organization executed a comprehensive modernization program. This program included structural retrofits and upgrades to communication systems and VOR/NDB equipment, as well as the integration of GPS (Global Positioning System). One hundred aircraft in the best condition were selected for this program, and the aircraft emerging from this process were designated as T-25C Universal.

Despite a high rate of operational accidents and the consequent wear and tear on the aircraft after nearly fifty years of service, the resilient Neiva T-25 Universal aircraft continue to serve as primary training aircraft at the Air Force Academy (AFA). The fleet consists of forty-two aircraft, with an average availability rate of 87.24%. As they approach the end of their operational life, the Brazilian Air Force is currently exploring short-term options for their replacement as the primary training aircraft in the military pilot training program

Technical Information:

  • Manufacturer: Sociedade Construtora Aeronáutica Neiva - Brazil
  • Usage: Training
  • Characteristics: Monoplane, low wing, single-engine, side-by-side seating
  • Engine: Lycoming IO-540K1D5, 300 HP, horizontal 6 horizontally opposed cylinders, direct injection
  • Wingspan: 11.00 m
  • Length: 8.60 m
  • Height: 3.00 m
  • Wing Area: 17.20 m²
  • Empty Weight: 1,150 Kg
  • Maximum Weight: 1,700 Kg
  • Maximum Speed: 275 Km/h
  • Rate of Climb: 320 m/min
  • Ceiling: 5,000 m
  • Range: 1,150 Km







air internacional magazine may 1975



air internacional magazine may 1975
El Observador Aeronáutico: Neiva T-25 en Chile
Armas Nacionais: Neiva T-25 Universal
Neiva T-25 – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Armas Nacionais: YT-25A e YT-25 B Universal II


very good plane and very reliable, when it was here in Chile they loved it a lot, I share a couple more images from when it was in service in Chile



COIN aircraft always get a +1 from me.


+1 for a (I hope so) latam tech tree coming in the near future

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No informations for the weaponry?

It can operate with two pods with a MAG 7.62 machine gun and 2 45 kg bombs or 2 SBAT pods. up to 200kg at 4 fixed points on the wing

A very interesting choice, I also recommend researching the YT 25 universal 2, as it was an improved version of Neiva.
Some information about him

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Could work quite well as an event or battle pass vehicle (I hate both of those options but I see nowhere else for it to come to the game). The thing is that I don’t know where it could be added, since only LATAM countries operated it.

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