Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

The cobra maneuver is not performed at transonic and supersonic speeds.The first one won’t let you do it with a pitch damper. Secondly, the strength of the structure will also not allow this to be done


Can any of you record the cobra maneuver and properly perform it in full real. Without gaining substantial altitude and not being too slow where loss of control occurs and the nose dips.

Let’s start there. The question is can it no longer be performed properly in War Thunder.

We can complain and argue over the speeds after.


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Looks to be in regards to pitch? can you interpret please.
I’m gonna pretend that’s not a MiG-23 diagram as well.

The angular velocity of rotation from the moment of pitch is shown here.Created by increasing the lifting force on the stabilizers. So the damping moment of pitch is the moment acting in the opposite direction from rotation.


I mean, at high speeds. This moment will not allow you to make a cobra


I understand there’s a damper and why there’s a damper.

But I never said that the su27 should be able to perform high alpha at transonic and supersonic speeds enough to cobra.

Can you specify what speeds the damper would allow for full range of pitch? Do we have those numbers? Because GJ has set it at around 800km.

At 900-950km If you try to override in full real by using rudder, you immediately die.

Keep in mind these are still subsonic speeds

If the AoA and G restriction is deactivated it is dangerous for the following reasons, at higher speeds there is a risk of over-G or G-LOC. At lower speeds, loss of controllability.
The table shows the allowed G and AoA.

It’s for the heavier version - SK, which corresponds in weight to the latest Flanker B series. For the lighter initial version it will be similar.

This is not a Su-27. The graph is for clarity. One damper from the angular velocity of rotation. The other is from changing the angle of attack
But the cobra maneuver is not performed at speeds of 800 km/h


Eventually. I want to try and check the graphs with 3g and 5g. Want to make sure I do the tests correctly and the devs implement them right and don’t inadvertently make the speed bleed even worse.

BTW, do you have any other sources that describe anything pertaining to the maneuvering energy retention?

Never said it was. But all high angle of attack is limited at 800km. Therefore all performances associated with supermaneuverability are non existent.

Again we are hyper focusing on the cobra which consist of max alpha over 90 degrees. Of course it’s speed sensitive maneuver. But the fact the cobra is not possible at high subsonic is not justification that all maneuvers associated with supermaneuverability are therefore not possible and an artificial wall should be placed at specific speeds no matter what altitude and attitude the flanker is flying.

It’s a game limitation to simplify complex dynamic none of us are truly familiar with.

I see a maximum operational overloading with gross weight applied to one of the heaviest flanker variants.

Makes sense.

Nice cherry pick.

This is already for the FM itself

I didn’t quite understand you there.

The point is AoA and Mach’s number. No plane will give you more than a few degrees of AoA at higher speeds. Because Over G is really bad, you don’t want to kill yourself.

Yes, and permissible AoA at specified Mach numbers are dependent on… operational loading and internal weight.

In which you provided statistics based on maximum operational loading and gross weight. Of course, the aircraft will be severely limited on alpha to what is considered safe.

If you can, now show me the alpha that is permissible at less than 50% internal fuel and 4x R73s.


No but again, you can clearly see the difference in speed between the one at the airshow shown earlier and the ones you posted. They do those maneuvers are a much slower speed.

And no video in the world with the caption “Combat plane” that you attach to it, will ever be actual proof. Same way any video with the caption “Plane reinforced for manuevers” can’t be verified either.

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This case is not about weight. If you pull more AoA than you are allowed at high speeds, Over G will occur. Maybe at 10 degrees AoA, depending on the Mach number.

At transonic speeds, close to Mach 1, going above the allowed AoA is completely out of the question.

If the “case” is not about weight, why did they specifically factor it in and calculate maximum operational loading and gross weight in the first place.

BECAUSE loading and weight have everything to do with aerodynamic performance, engine output and structural integrity.

Mach number.