Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Max TR speed 54 deg/sec

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Yeah, i know that there’s some conflicting statements. But the Bundeswehr says Mach 2.35, so I’m going with that

Yea the su30 fm just a joke after this nerf

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ROE Su-30SME cover.PNG

No, the 30sm get the biggest overnerf in the game


On this moment ( March 2025 ) 30SM2 have updated N011M with increased range for use R-37M, and have AL-31FP. Al-41F still installed only on prototype, but I think after 1-2 mounts we get few serial sm2 with AL-41

It’s just “Girls designers” junk


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Gaijin modeling indication IKSH-1 HUD for Thales HUD 3022…

Dev stream

"Военная приемка. Су-30СМ2. Работа в зоне СВО 34:30"

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There’s something I need to explain to you!..Your link does not indicate at what altitude…
According to my link it is 2.495 km/h in 10.975 m(2.1M)…



Mach 2.35 at an altitude of up to 11,000 meters is 2906 km/h, which raises serious doubts!
If 2.35M is at an altitude of more than 11,000 meters, then this will be approximately the same value of +/- 2500 km/h…
Measurement | Convert 2495 Kilometre Per Hour to Mach Number | Speed or velocity | Conversion Ai


Снимок экрана 2025-03-05 141800

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2.35 Mach this 2450 km/h
Journalists have problems with physics

Song feedback.
Slap or not?

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HUD tint changed :D, still needs to look green from the outside tho


Did they fix the target not showing up on hud?

Every online converter I can find says Mach 2.35 is ~ 2900km/h


Imagine flying 2.35M in common jet near ground

Use altitude

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Alt=12 km speed of sound 295.069 m/s
2.35Mach= 2.35×295.069=693.41m/s
693.41×3.6=2496 km/h

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