True, though that would still be an improvement. A big reason why the energy retention is so bad is because of TVC. The other part comes from weight and the oswald efficiency value being lower than the other Flankers. For context, a value of 0.47 for FlapsPolar0 is what the Su-27 had before the FM buff, when it was then brought to 0.54
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
Man I wish Gaijin would lean in on the Russian bias a little, really want the 30SM to get better engines
why tf are they changing oswald coefficient again? Shouldn’t they keep it the same as the other flankers?
They should’ve. Maybe they recycled the old Su-27 flight model and just changed it by adding canards and TVC engines. Or maybe they just forgot what values they need to give it. Its a mystery.
anyways dev server only has a day left. Su-30SM is gonna be super mid on release
Cant that be due of canards?
Like… its not old Su-27 FM, oswald is different
Su-33 and 34 also has canards
This plane don’t make sense. If the plane its this bad compare to even the Su-27sm. What was the thing that impress Russian Officials?. What was the advantage it have. Because this thing is Contemporary to Su-35s. And you can even said it a bit newer. I know its cheaper than the Su-35. But it don’t make sense to build this thing over old Su-27sm/2/3.
It have way worst Radar than Su-35s. Worst engine. Worst range. Worst flying performance. For 10m difference in price.
Its not because of the canards, because the Su-34 and Su-33 have the same values which are different from the Su-30.
The old Su-27 FM had the oswald number for FlapsPolar0 as 0.47, and was later upped to 0.54. All other values remained unchanged. The Su-30SM currently has the oswald number for FlapsPolar0 as 0.47
The thing is its not that bad. But many of the things that make it better over older Su-27SM variants are either not present in the game (like the much better fly by wire system it received) or are not modelled properly (like the TVC, energy retention, radar, overall flight performance, etc).
It is also probably cheaper to produce than upgrading older Su-27s to the SMx standard.
He posted a pic from the oficial British page. Stating 1.8m max speed. The Eurofighter its plague with one country/manufactory saying 1 thing and other one saying other thing. I remember seem that Squishface(youtuber) vid that was talking about the climb rate of the Eurofighter. Its was a spaghetti and not matter what value you use. The Eurofighter its overperforming in game by a lot.
Edit; The thing was build as a interceptor so it make sense that it have good climb speed and max speed. No even trying to denied that.
It’s actually underperforming by a lot still in some regards like ITR and STR gaijin still haven’t implemented the bug reports yet.
Yeah no. The plane its also overperforming in these regards. Like seriously AMK kit was dev for a reason.
Except there is people on forums with documents proving it’s underperforming in those areas
Britain only clear Eurofighter pilots to fly up to Mach 1.8 to reduce airframe wear. Other nations clear it to Mach 2.35.
Modeled as is, it is that bad. There is no reason to fly the Su-30SM over the Su-27SM in ARB with combat loads. From 13.7 to 14.0 this is a flat downgrade in the tech tree. At least the MiG 9.13 - 9.19 came with a massive upgrade to sensors and weapons.
The Su-30SM also comes with an upgrades in sensors and weapons. The N011M Bars radar is a big upgrade over the N001VEP in pretty much every metric. The R-77-1 is also on par with the AIM-120B so the Su-30 is pretty good at BVR, even if slightly underpowered compared to the SM. Also it can carry 12 77-1s which is neat.
But yeah thats about it for air. Dogfighting is a gimmick for it at this point. The 27SM would be better overall for that job.
Exactly, bars is one of the best radars in the game now
The upgrades from the 27SM to the 30SM in sensors and weapons is not comparable to the upgrade in the like for the MiG 9.13 to 9.19. Not comparable at all. You’re talking about a marginally better radar set and a marginally better Adder at the cost of an absolutely horrid FM that won’t survive the merge with any jet at 13.7 or higher–including the 27SM.
You’re right to agree with me that the 27SM is better overall for ARB. This is simply not an upgrade for ARB Flanker pilots.