Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
and without canard
If 30sm performs badly on the live server, we’ll have to use su27sm for one more update D:
I don’t think it will be bad in normal air rb, as long as you still have missiles to defend against planes that are trying to dogfight you, now for duels with guns only? i have no idea, since it’s a worse su33 (with the limiter on) and base on that, it will be pretty bad.
On Dev Server 1v1 Guns only it was mostly wins so far, against F18C, F16C, EF2000
with the limiter on?
F18C on 1 circle i did manage to get the advantage, now i’m not sure about the others, the kills were mostly when i was using TVC, gotta note that it’s not always using it to have the nose at the target immediately it’s also about positioning yourself in the Dogfight which helps alot.
27sm can do everything except it lacks a decent radar, and 30sm without the new engine will be pretty easy to take down if it can’t take down the enemy in 1c
I’m not talking about bvr because i really don’t trust gaijin’s r77 and 77-1 models
so with the limiter off, yeah i was talking about the pure performance of the fm (STR and ITR) with the limiter on
my only problem in the normal air rb (on the dev) was when i had to notch more than 3 missiles with the su30sm, the plane really doesn’t like to maintain any speed D:
Yeah the 1 circle against the F18C that i mentioned was without using TVC, but after 1 circle u gotta use TVC to help you.
J11b is looking like meta flanker this update. I for one am glad I am a China player.
Well, at least it will go into 3-9/Notch very fast… unlike even the current Su-27
China has been eating good since the j7e, the little energy monster
china bias?
Only then it gets a somewhat strong CAS (since every “[X-nation] bias” is mostly GRB and CAS by extension)
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It’s not bad, it’s just not as maneuverable as ppl thought it would be, if you put canards and increase the weight of the plane while maintaining the same engines it’ll perform worse, unfortunately it is what it is… It’ll be enough for BVR, if you find yourself in a 1v1 TVC+r73 combo can do some crazy stuff.
Just don’t look at CN ground lol
Not to mention missing CAS loadouts.
Pretty sure it’s just gaijin modeling being crap
The moment I saw the WS-10s on the J-11B and confirmed the Su-30 would get the AL-31 was pretty much just confirmation that the Chinese flanker would be the better one in the update