Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Yes and it’s right.
Red - gridfins

It’s still 600kg too light in the dev server then, right now it is ~18800kg.

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Iam saying that they have to much drag in WT do you see how the drag decreases as the missile goes faster?

It doesn’t do that in WT it only has a static value from my understanding.

Don’t bring this nonsense here.


How accurate is the Su30sm modeled in game right now ?

it isnt
right now it is more nerfed than the release su-27
even the mig-29smt is able to beat it in a dogfight without problems

Why shouldnt it be?
It’s heavier, but with same engines
Aswell has more drag

It might get worse, since the weight is still inaccurate rn (too light).

RAF quote 1.8
And Eurofighter GmbH quote Mach 2.0


doing a google search for the empty weight of the su30sm in Russian, 90% of the sites gave the weight as 18,800kg

I really don’t know what to believe anymore, searching things in english gives results between 17,700kg and 18,400kg for the empty weight
searching in russian the results are 18,800kg
and now there’s a video supposedly showing more than 19,000kg

So, from my understanding, it’s missing weight?

This is with no thrust Vectoring flight performance right ?

yes it is but:

for rate fight performance you dont want / need tvc…

tvc only helps you pulling alot of aoa and loosing all your speed rn,
because you cannot deactivate it
so the charts are favorable towards the su30

Maybe theyre mixing versions?

i dont know
my head is already hurting trying to find a concrete answer


I personally trust BBCRF’s take, since they made the 30SM mod for DCS and likely has more reliable information.


the problem is that people focused on the weight of the su30 that he showed…

but he also commented on improvements that the su30sm could receive…

the problem is that he himself is not willing to make bug reports, it’s complicated to want to nerf the plane nonstop and not be willing to improve it in other parts as well

when someone asked for the sources to improve the su30sm he just laughed and showed the su30 dcs mod…

like D: at least provide the sources to make the plane better and the sources to correct the weight (or make a bug report for everything…)


It came to him in a dream most of the time ))