Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

At least now there’s a few sukhois to be added and much more MiGs, i think this year we might get one or two…

This one might make a considerable difference, from what i’ve read it gets a 14500kgf afterburner thrust compared to 12500 of the al31


Gaijin modeled around 14% (closer to 13.7%, but I rounded up) loss in thrust in installed state. You also have to consider how heavy the Su-30SM is

Well at least the sm2 will be better than the sm and su-33 perhaps

Release velocity matters, I dont think a Su-27SM/30 defends any worse than an F-15E the difference I can see is the F-15E is sending 120s at Mach 1.5.

If the Su-27/30 was able to get to it’s optimum release speed the difference would not be huge! I havent used or faced the new R-77-1

It’s really the Su-35 before the Russian federation received a flanker that could match and on some sources exceed an F-15/Typhoons climb rate.
If the Su-30 bombs maybe the Su-35 is added in December?

OFC it will, cause it has better engines. But it still would be on par with the EFT and F-15E in BVR.

35 might be, idk

With the current trend? watch it be gimped and they add the initial late 80s - early 90s version with another version of the AL-31

35 would even be better because same engines and even lighter flight model

Su-35 current year model and F-15EX are my bets

We cant go Raptor and Su-57 yet

Since they’re on the trend of gimping models also, they could really just add the SM with AL-41 and justify it by saying “oh initial versions of the SM2 had the N011M” or something like that


the su30sm1 is getting upgraded to the su30sm2 standard as far as i know, so they could give the al-41 engines like they did with the su27sm that also got later upgraded with the al-31fm1

So like, in 2 years then?

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D: again, my point not only includes the f15e, but also the EF and the rafale, two AMAZING planes with UFO FMs, the su30sm fm is one of the worst, have you ever dueled against that terrible, fat, boat of su33? If so, you know how easily and reliably almost anything can beat that thing if he don’t have missiles, now the su30sm is worse than that :D

the time and distance it would take for the su27/30 to reach its optimal speed would mean that an f15/ef/rafale would already be flying at mach jesus (2)

At this point no even Su-35 can save Russia. The Knaapo Pdf going around its misleading. About weight and Dimension of the plane. I wasn’t hype for this update or the su-30sm. But looking how bad the model its. How bad the FM will end if this change go into live server. How gaijin decide to add R-77-1 without fixing the stupid drag bs. Yea Russia its done.

Like Seriously there are videos of the Su-37 without TVC engine. Performing better than the current interaction of Su-30sm on the dev server.


Wasnt Su-37 also noticeably lighter tho?

gaijin be like: nah, here, 2 more r77 is enough

+2000 kgf will definitely make a difference bro, don’t worry… BFM it might not be as good as early 4th gen but the climb rate will be decent

Come on SU30SM is good enough. N011M is a good radar, flight model especially with TVC is tier 1, R-77-1 is equal to AMRAAM so far, slightly worse in terms of long range pull, but obviously if they fix R-77-1 it would be the best missile by far, it is already the second best. 14.0 for this is good enough. Soviet jets do not need fixing, they do fine. There might have been an argument before this, but I don’t think there is anything to complain about with Russian air.

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They are limited by altitude and fuel more fuel more drag. Typhoon and F-15 guys take 10-15 mins fuel to ensure they hit the BVR release altitude and velocity. release the 120s and then defend RTB with 3 mins of fuel left.

Typhoon top speed is quoted as Mach 1.8 in game we are reaching 1.5-1.6 and releasing 120s.
Su-27 top speed is quoted as Mach 2.2…Even with additional weight and drag I would expect Mach 1.6-1.8 for missile release speed.
F-15E top speed is similar to a Su-27

Larger maps and air spawn would mean greater fuel management and more positioning. And the opportunity for slower accelerating airframes to reach optimal weapon release speeds.

Su-35 with the upgraded engines climb rate equals and exceeds Typhoon and F-15.